Project Evaluation and Closure in Healthcare Essay

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The information technology (IT) project evaluation is key in the determination of its performance in terms of achieving the objectives for which it was developed and is run effectively. When evaluating any IT project, the experts gather and analyze the data, and the information reported is used by key stakeholders in decision-making. A systematic and comprehensive technique is required to evaluate information technology (IT) activities appropriately. Without taking into consideration a number of different factors, it is impossible to forecast whether an IT project will succeed or fail. When planning a project, objectives, expectations, available resources, risks, and the impact on the company must be considered.

Model Used to Evaluate an IT Project

Evaluation models provide a framework for evaluating the success of an IT project. Project assessment is a crucial component of project management because it enables managers to decide with certainty whether to carry on with a project as planned, make modifications, or even terminate it. The Post-Implementation Review (PIR) model is one such example (Garcia-Dia & Darrow, 2019). The PIR model is an organized method for assessing an IT project’s performance after it has been finished (Beardwood, 2020). The greatest way to learn from a project is to review it after completing it to ascertain that it is within its scope.

The post-implementation review model has four major phases; the planning, data collection, data analysis, and recommendations phase. Planning is the first phase of the PIR process in any project relating to information technology (Garcia-Dia & Darrow, 2019). The review team is put together at this phase, during which the review’s goals are set. The second phase is data collection, in which data s gathered from a number of sources, including the project team, managers, and other related project documents, to understand the economic value of carrying out the project. Data analysis is the third stage of the PIR process, where the information gathered in the previous phase is examined to determine accomplishments, setbacks, and post-implementation lessons. Recommendations are the PIR process’s fourth and last stage (Beardwood, 2020). Based on the review’s results, the team offers suggestions for improvement throughout the project life cycle.

Meaning and Relevance of the Lessons Learnt

The information and experience obtained from a project are lessons learned. Positive or negative lessons can be used in future initiatives to increase the likelihood of project success. There are several approaches to gathering lessons learned in the project evaluation. One approach is to have a debriefing meeting at the project’s conclusion (Garcia-Dia & Darrow, 2019). Project team members and stakeholders can discuss their opinions and experiences related to the project at the follow-up meeting. Interviewing project team members and stakeholders is another method for gathering lessons learned (Armenia et al., 2019). These lessons gained are significant because they offer a method to enhance future projects’ effectiveness and efficiency by taking lessons from both their triumphs and shortcomings.

Types of Questions the Nurse Informatics Specialist Might Use

The interview questions should be constructed to elicit comments about what went well and what may be done better. A nurse informatics specialist might ask the following questions to learn more about the lessons discovered: What aspects of the project went well? What could have been done more effectively? What would the project management change to improve the project?

Steps And Process Used to Formally Close Out an IT Project

A project’s formal closeout is the procedure for performing the project closure. A project report must be finished, papers must be archived, and resources released as part of the close-down procedure (Armenia et al., 2019). In order to provide documentation of the project and its outcomes, formal closeouts are crucial. Additionally, they enable the organization to take lessons from the project and apply them to other endeavors.


Armenia, S., Dangelico, R. M., Nonino, F., & Pompei, A. (2019). Sustainable project management: Chapter 13— Project Closing: Evaluation of an IT Implementation, 11(9), 2664.

Beardwood, J. P. (2020). . Computer Law Review International, 21(2), 42-50. Web.

Garcia-Dia, M., & Darrow, B. (2019). Project Management 101: Getting Started. Project Management in Nursing Informatics, 69.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 20). Project Evaluation and Closure in Healthcare.

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"Project Evaluation and Closure in Healthcare." IvyPanda, 20 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Project Evaluation and Closure in Healthcare'. 20 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Project Evaluation and Closure in Healthcare." May 20, 2024.

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IvyPanda. "Project Evaluation and Closure in Healthcare." May 20, 2024.

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