In this section, the issue of maternal and infant health care adoption as an integral part of current Florida statutes is reviewed. The matter is of great interest for contemporary medical stratum since it reveals the fundamental principles of parenting tendencies in the state as well as dwells on the issue of the specialized administration program. Specifically, the corresponding Florida Statute page that may be found in the Title XXIX highlights the dedication of prenatal care. The program regards multiple aspects of maternity such as risk factors identification, medical services accessibility, statewide maternal support, etc. (“The 2015 Florida Statutes” par. 1). The section is of interest for me since I agree with the statement, due to which personal care begins before conception (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” par. 1). In other words, the maternal support services create a platform for the favorable birth-giving, which, subsequently, accounts for the level of public health in a particular state. The web-reading of this particular Statutes part helped me to make some valuable insights into the Floridian treatment of future mothers. Specifically, I learned about the breastfeeding regulation for “baby-friendly” facilities, due to which, every future mother has to be provided with some standard priorities and services, which were initially developed by the Department of Health.
The Approaches to Public Health Improvement in Florida: Seeking for Perfection
The Floridian Statute predetermines the employment of multiple methods that can contribute to the advance of public health care in the state. In this work, the medical relations methods, as well as the service delivery model, are evaluated. First, it must be acknowledged that there is a strong emphasis on the support of government-civil society interrelations in Florida, which encompasses the idea of public health care improvement. Therefore, the citizens are not merely entitled to issue a complaint to Florida authority if he/she faces some health care pressures, but the government is obliged to establish a firm control over all cases of medical treatment (Gostin 6). This policy applies to the maternal care regulation as well and provides the Floridian mothers with an opportunity to be well-protected by the state. An example that illustrates the usage of this approach is a comprehensive practice that is included in the Floridian Statute. The program predetermines the mentoring type of relations between the highest medical institutions and separate cohorts of citizens such as children or females groups. The possible limitation that deters the extension of this model is the lack of financial resources since the prevailing part of budget allocations are directed in the physical treatment. Nevertheless, since the U.S. mothers are supported by Medicaid, it is quite easy to assign the personal mentors to the American women, which primarily targets the at-risk groups (“Maternal and Infant Health Care Quality” par. 1). Second, due to the standards of Floridian Statute, there is a consistent interventional model of public health care regulation. In other words, service delivery in the state is conducted through the appliance of medical interventions that are often rooted in the evidence-based practices. Such model contributes to the constant elaboration of the treatment techniques since the scientific bases are regularly altered (Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, and Friedman 18). The Floridian Statute discloses an instant of interventional practices usage through the support of marginalized females, which require some psychological assistance.
Nursing as a Driving Force of Contemporary Public Health Care
The profession of a nurse appears to be one of the most responsible and challenging medical occupations, for it requires not only general knowledge of treatment techniques, but psychological, mentoring, and emotional support abilities as well. Some scientists argue that the profession predetermines the improvement of particular spiritual competencies (Leeuwen, Tiesinqa, Post, and Jochemsen 876). Due to the Floridian Statutes, the so-called Nursing Act helps the workers to meet the basic requirements that are required for safe practice (“The 2015 Florida Statutes” par. 2). Therefore, one may conclude that the profession is highly valued by the state government.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015. Web.
Fixsen, Dean, Sarah Naoom, Katherine Blase, and Richard Friedman. “Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature.” National Implementation Research Network 31.1 (2005): 1-125. Print.
Gostin, Larry. Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint, California: University of California Press, 491. Print.
Leeuwen, Roermond, Lana Tiesinqa, David Post, and Hans Jochemsen. “Spiritual Care: Implications for Nurses’ Professional Responsibility.” Journal of Clinical Nursing 15.7 (2006): 875-884. Print.
Maternal and Infant Health Care Quality 2015. Web.
The 2015 Florida Statutes 2015. Web.