Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values Research Paper

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Conspicuous consumption depends on the factor of distinguishing between masculinity and femininity. According to Gazzola et al. (2020), over the decades, superiority and inferiority between males and females consequently fostered a major impact to the global development. The traditions fostered a profound challenge towards promoting equality based on gender identity. The apparent utilization of resources based on sexuality is a framework that rendered the sociological theorem on inequalities regarding the awarding of positions in workplaces across the dynamic industries. An excellent example is the differential role for males and females on self-realization that triggers the essence of fast fashion.

Fast fashion is an unsustainable practice due to the reliance on the factor of overexploitation of natural resources for clothing and design. On the one hand, technological advancement empowered artists with tools of efficiency. On the other hand, the emergence of the practice threatened the aesthetic value and ethical approach based on the utilization of the available facilities (Koh & Noh, 2009). Business growth and development relies on the integration of product diversification and quality relative to the customers’ needs.

At teenage years, the brain of the individual features irrational behaviour compared to that of an adult. In this case, researchers establish that the behavioural response reflects to the concept of enterprise profitability. The conduct of an entrepreneur profoundly affects the operations and the establishment of an organizational culture. An excellent example of a trend that influences the decision-making of management team is the fast fashion. Therefore, the interdependence determines the value of principles over competitors’ advantage and necessity to associate with sustainability as the ultimate mastermind development.

Consumer habits of the fashion buyer’s behaviour

Fashion is a framework that fosters social equality under the spectrum of individualism. Simmel addresses the complex approach and phenomenon through an overview of the changes. The author argues that there is a dualism across each individual that is expressed through creativity and any shortcoming renders the dissatisfaction about life (Lushch, 2018). The primary objective of style entails the incorporation of a dynamic and distinctive innovation between the various social classes. The researcher stipulates that although it is important to utilize creativity, it is a phenomenon that renders the optimal marginalization of personnel from varying segments associated with financial endowments (Lushch, 2018). Trends in clothing and design foster the ultimate platform for identity with the vast community while determining the eloquence in taste. Therefore, it is a ritual that separates the diverse societies based on the subjective perception of wealthiness.

The key sociological pairs in fashion enshrine imitation and distinction through the spectral insight of diversity. In this case, Whyte (2018) postulates that the replication is a demonstration of cheap products due to the establishment of the set and expected quality within the marketplace. Therefore, it is crucial to address the major issue underlying the impact of simulations on society in an attempt of fostering unity. On the one hand, it is an initiative that renders the association across the global community. On the other hand, it is an illusion that draws the margin between the dynamic classes within a region. Primarily, the author provides a profound discernment based on the paramount aspect of eradicating mimicry and enhance authenticity for alliances and actualization.

The other part of the sociological pair in fashion is the distinction that is based on the importance of enhancing authenticity and creativity. According to Whyte (2018), the optimal value in designing and style encompasses the relevance of creating a new trend for the elite social class that supersedes the previous layers. Therefore, the difference depends on the level of innovation from the developers hence cultivating the margin across the demographic population. There is an interplay between diversity and imitation due to the impact on the quality of life and the determination of the social identity. The optimal approach that elevates the union across the global community is the establishment of common variables in the vogue.

Dualism emerges from the interplay of the sociological pair due to the concept of heredity and variation. Whyte (2018) indicates that the conflict between socialism and individualism establish the essence of engaging the individuals in the constantly changing society. It is vital to determine the core framework of ensuring the optimal exploitation of the solutions during evolution with the aim of harmonizing the diversity. The marginal outliers of balance and performance in engagements is the identification of the biformity. In this case, people engage in various relations based on the integration of the ambivalence with the appropriate features in the fashion industry.

The Relationship Between Consumers Wants and What Company’s Do

One of the crucial documents of a company is the employee handbook due to the stipulation of the level and nature of engagements of a worker. The report demands guidelines for the organization’s culture and the necessary behaviour among the individuals within the environment, such as the association with the clients and the important factors to consider while delivering service and products. The value of a corporation relies on the level of competence among the laborers (Gilani & Cunningham, 2017). In this case, it is vital to establish and equip the personnel with adequate knowledge and skills to boost their productivity and the development of competitive advantage. An improvement of the employees’ welfare is an indication of the elevated productivity as a competitive advantage. Business ethics is a multidimensional phenomenon encompassing the improvement on sustainability and profitability. However, the highly valued asset of an institution is human resource. As a result, the framework enshrines integrating the administrative strategies and the welfare of the workers to boost the output and draw attention on long-term trends.

Business ethics is a multifaceted phenomenon that enshrines the ability to uphold authenticity and clarity in the decision-making process in an organization. One of the critical issues that threaten an enterprise’s performance level is copying the competitive strategies from other institutions. The culture of one agency differs from another corporation’s culture to boost performance and employee satisfaction. Therefore, the lack of authenticity leads to unsustainable operability within the fashion industry such as the emergence of short-term designs thus negatively affecting competence (Kačerauskas, 2019). Replicating initiatives from another company is an unsustainable approach since it faces incompetence and inefficiency from the conflicting goals.

Ethical issues in business management due to competitors’ copying strategies engulf inherent issues such as incompetent enterprise goals and poor management. The future of a corporation lies in establishing definitive goals such as the expected profit margin within one financial year. Further, conflicting institutions’ focus lead to the employees underperforming due to firm’s lack of a clear vision board. In this case, the management face an additional problem regarding poor leadership due to the workers’ contrasting ideologies (Kačerauskas, 2019). In a different spectrum, the lack of authentic operational insights leads to the stagnation and inefficient utilization of the available technological resources. Although the administration spends on the acquisition of technological resources, the management lacks the foreclosure regarding the optimal and sustainable utilization to enhance its activities.

Under the spectral view of historical endeavors, it is important to compare the conventional and modern aspects in the conservation of environment. On the one hand, environmental laws establish approaches to alleviate climate change as a consequence from compromised aesthetic value. On the other hand, the debate is an entity that provides an insight to the contrast posed from the sustainability development goals. Historically, people seek to find solutions to major problems and align commercial interests as an integral value addition (Martin, 2018). However, I believe that it is crucial to address the significance of industrial revolution in relation to the global population. A persistent increase in human population means an elevation to the activities with the aim of feeding people. The debate triggered the thought of establishing an initiative that focuses on aligning the international principles with biodiversity protection.

Fast fashion is an unethical practice due to the reliance on the short-term production of different clothing and designs. On the one hand, the ideology renders the prominent factor of enhancing the consumer behaviour. On the other hand, the approach fosters the core challenge in promoting sustainable business within the region. Environmental law principles encapsulate the core value of balancing human activities and the environment (Martin, 2018). Over the decades, technological advancement’s evolutionary trend rendered the change in the environmental laws to enhance efficiency. The core values of Sustainable Development Goals enshrine human health, protect the environment, and enhance resources’ value. UNEP significantly contributes to the protection of the environment based on the integral participation of international organizations.

Fast fashion is an ideology that intensifies the core factor of business competence in the global market while affecting sustainability initiatives. On the one hand, the trend fosters the consumer satisfaction due to the product diversification and service experience. On the other hand, the initiative negatively impacts the environment due to the overexploitation of the natural resources. In this case, it is the responsibility of the entrepreneurs to ensure the prominent use of initiatives that render optimal profit and adherence to the rules and regulations.

Buying Behaviour

One of the competitive advantages for a company in the global marketplace is the effective identification of customer’s needs. Over the decades, technological advancement fostered intensification in the expertise level in an international business environment. The significant availability of product information rendered the consumers’ paradigm shift as the purchasing determinant variable within the mainframe. Therefore, the efficient establishment of a niche market spearheads competence and acquisition of a market share. Need identification leads to the derivation of vital information about the product features to satisfy the customers (Giraldo Herrera & Palsson, 2019). The core principle of identifying needs includes assessing the consumer’s environment and establishing the niche. An intelligent product design and development depends on the effective identification of the niche market.

There are different theories that gear the identification of consumer needs that is a crucial approach in the derivation of information for strategic marketing. One of the theoretical frameworks is Hofstede’s cultural dimension that articulates the dynamic variables that orient the nature of interactions and wants of the society (Dihl et al., 2017). The concept establishes that the various types of entities within a community’s customs encompass power distance, collectivism and individualism, uncertainty avoidance index, femininity versus masculinity, short-term versus long-term orientation, and restraint versus indulgence.

Power distance is an element within Hofstede’s cultural dimension that contributes to the identification of needs due to abounding associative properties of allegiances. According to Hostede Insights (2021), Belgians scored 65% in the appreciation of a hierarchical system with unequal power distribution. The researchers further establish that a significant percentage of the population aligns their influential values based on the centralized administration mainly dominated by family names. In this case, individuals formally engage and access information under the spectrum of position in the social status. The knowledge contributes to understanding the consumer behaviour and preferential baseline based on the marketability of the commodity. In this case, the market expansion initiative depends on the segmentation of the region under two major outlines, that is, highly ranked officials and the citizens.

Collectivism versus individualism is another initiative that contributes to the derivation of crucial information about consumer needs and strategic marketing approaches. On the one hand, selfhood refers to the ability to provide care to family and personally. On the other hand, communism is the consideration of the affection and identity of people in the form of a group. Hofstede Insights (2021) articulates that Belgians scored 75% on individualism hence the essence of independence. In this case, it is the responsibility of fashion industry management team to establish the core factor of consumer needs based on a personal level thus justifying the significant impact of the products.

Masculinity versus femininity is another concept within Hofstede’s cultural dimension that plays a crucial role in the determination of consumer needs. In a survey by Hofstede Insights (2021), the researchers establish that machoism scored 54% over docility. The main reason encompasses the importance of competition and winning as the consideration of happiness and success. As a result, the appropriate measure encompasses the incorporation of strategic initiatives during market penetration that portray a unique social class.

A significant percentage of Belgians appreciate the prediction of the future based on objective outline through scientific and academic research. Hofstede Insights (2021) argue that the population scored 94% hence the characterized nature of investigations focusing on the deductive approach over the inductive aspect. Efficient flow of information across the different stakeholders renders the sufficient balance in enhancing the marketability of the fashion products.

The distinction between long and short-term orientation significantly contributes to Hofstede’s cultural dimension due to the derivation of the preferential human behaviour and engagements. In the study by Hofstede Insights (2021), it is determined that Belgians scored 82% as an absolute inclination to the long-term endeavor. Over the decades, society focused on the evolutionary process through education as a form of developing high certainty levels in the future. Therefore, it is crucial that fashion-based companies focus on the market expansion to the region, it ensures the implementation of strategies that provide the efficiency of the product based on the demands and comments from the clientele. In a different spectrum, it is a positive ordeal that establishes the integral value of a competent business environment within the modernized era, thus the importance of incorporating dynamic promotion initiatives.

Indulgence and restraint are components within Hofstede’s cultural dimension that involves the flexibility in changing the cultural beliefs and practices. On the one hand, leniency entails the possibility of fostering an alteration to the traditional customs. On the other hand, the stiff essence in observing the conventional norms threatens the ideal position in the promotion of products and services based on the modernized spectrum. Although there is a relative balance between the two components, forbearance scored 57% (Hofstede Insights, 2021). In this case, it is crucial organizations focus on the necessity of boosting the marketability of the products to enhance the effective acquisition and positioning within the landscape.

The core factor that fosters customer loyalty is the accessibility of adequate information about products and services. It is an initiative that assists individuals in making the decision regarding the ultimate purchasing value. Therefore, the incorporation of social marketing poses dynamic benefits based on the effective provision of knowledge about a company and its performance in the market. One of the benefits is branding that improves an organization’s presence within the worldwide business environment (Dereń & Skonieczny, 2018). Market penetration strategy encompasses the prominent utilization of dynamic approaches to boost market acquisition.

Technology fostered the easy accessibility of output details based on the varieties and quality. Therefore, the availability of product information empowers consumers with the knowledge to utilize while making a purchasing decision. A computer is a tool that equips the management with the capacity to boost their operation innovations. In a different spectrum, the emergence of social media fostered the digitization of word-of-mouth due to the dynamic channels of interaction. The various pathways of communication encompass TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The integration of this approach in the marketing strategies for the companies fosters the digitization of word-of-mouth. The conventional global market segmentation is a phenomenon that engulfs four categories. The levels include demography, geography, behavioural, and psychographic sects (Ram & Liu, 2018). The rise of the niche trade significantly contributes to the growth and development.

Different businesses utilize various approaches to establish their competitive advantages. According to researchers, positioning is an ideal marketing initiative that leads to the development of an identity of an organization, such as a convenience store (Kim et al., 2019). It is an essential factor for an association due to the impact on the market segmentation strategy. On the one hand, place-making attributes to a corporation’s initiative for a competitive advantage. On the other hand, the approach empowers the management with knowledge about consumers based on their behaviour and reaction to the dynamic preferential and perceived value.

Ethical Consideration

Apart from seeking permission from the institution and the respondents during data collection, the researcher aims at utilizing secondary materials and accrediting the respective authors to avoid plagiarism. Further, the researcher aims investigating the values impacting fast fashion industry while determining the future evaluation needs. On the one hand, the assessment of a concept fosters a deductive and inductive ideology. On the other hand, the exploration forms a platform for proficient engagement among the learners and intensification of the pool of data. Primarily, ethical considerations foster the attainment of the key objective to determine the significance of the trend to the global society and business market.


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IvyPanda. (2022, November 3). Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values. https://ivypanda.com/essays/purchase-of-fast-fashion-clothing-and-ethical-amp-personal-values/

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"Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values." IvyPanda, 3 Nov. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/purchase-of-fast-fashion-clothing-and-ethical-amp-personal-values/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values'. 3 November.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values." November 3, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/purchase-of-fast-fashion-clothing-and-ethical-amp-personal-values/.

1. IvyPanda. "Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values." November 3, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/purchase-of-fast-fashion-clothing-and-ethical-amp-personal-values/.


IvyPanda. "Purchase of Fast Fashion Clothing and Ethical & Personal Values." November 3, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/purchase-of-fast-fashion-clothing-and-ethical-amp-personal-values/.

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