Throughout its existence, humanity has constantly attempted to comprehend and interpret the surrounding environment and occurring events. As humanity’s cognition capabilities changed and grew, so did the respective interpretations and ideas. Nowadays, ever-increasing in speed technological advance in many ways manages to influence and shape people’s perception. In its context, a movement called transhumanism emerged in the background of philosophical thought. According to Mazocco (2019), transhumanism is “an international intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.” In short, it does not limit the technological progress’ application solely to the external environment, it motivates modification of people themselves.
Throughout its existence, humanity has constantly attempted to comprehend and interpret the surrounding environment and occurring events. As humanity’s cognition capabilities changed and grew, so did the respective interpretations and ideas. Nowadays, ever-increasing in speed technological advance in many ways manages to influence and shape people’s perception. In its context, a movement called transhumanism emerged in the background of philosophical thought. Its main ideas revolve around human intellectual and physiological capabilities enhancement through the developing and implementation of modern technological tools and devices (Mazocco, 2019). In short, it does not limit the technological progress’ application solely to the external environment, it motivates modification of people themselves.
Generally, it would be helpful to provide future readers of a research paper with visually diverse information. It allows for to generalize of the data presented in writing, provides clues for easier identification, and sets emphasis on something crucial. One way to visually represent information is to provide images (Figure 1). While it might not be the most informative way to convey data, it can be used to explain or specify certain facts and references. Another possible way to visualize information is to provide graphs (Figure 2). Graphs are greatly helpful in reports and statistics since they present an overview of textual details, emphasizing crucial points.
Mazocco, R. (2019). Transhumanism: Engineering the human condition. History, philosophy and current status. Springer.