Racial and Economic Disparities in Education Proposal

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The modern world is characterised by the increased value of education and its importance. A successful career depends on the person’s background knowledge and the educational establishment he/she graduated. For this reason, there is a growing number of people who want to study at various educational establishments. The increasing demand means that colleges and universities enjoy numerous benefits because many students want to continue their education. However, the tendency towards the constantly increasing popularity of education does not make it more available to all population groups. On the contrary, analytics admit that the economy of education remains complex due to numerous factors affecting the sphere. Thus, regardless of numerous attempts to provide equal opportunities to acquire education to all individuals, the barriers remain and affect the work of the sphere.

The scope of the problem is evidenced by the statistics and tendencies observed in the sphere of education. Thus, the percentage of white people who acquired a bachelor’s degree grew and comprised 35%, while only 21% of Black and 15% of Asian people managed to get the same degree (Hobbs & Mutebi, 2021). Moreover, the dropout rates are also higher among the representatives of the vulnerable populations. Thus, statistics show that the Black youth are more likely to stop their education compared to the representatives of other groups (Department for Education, 2021). Furthermore, the existing facts prove the differences in academic performance peculiar to black and white students (Hobbs & Mutebi, 2021). For this reason, the current statistics prove that the functioning of the education sector is impacted by the existing racial and cultural issues.

The given factor becomes critical for the economics of education and the future development of the sphere. The positive effects of the rise in the demand for knowledge are reduced because of the barriers preventing various populations from studying in prestigious educational establishments (Department for Education, 2021; Hobbs & Mutebi, 2021). It slows down the speed of their evolution and increases the importance of financial issues, as too high tuition fees or inability to learn because of the absence of income are the major barriers peculiar to groups mentioned above (Wodtke, 2018). For this reason, a serious problem in the sphere is observed. The unequal opportunities for education success influence the financial aspects and demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the existing model cultivating multiple barriers in the given sphere.

In such a way, the problem of racial disparities in education attainment becomes relevant. At the moment, the existence of unequal income and differences in the choice of educational establishments regarding race is recognised. However, little attention is devoted to analysing racial disparities regarding the economics of education and how they might influence the functioning of the sphere. Under these conditions, the proposed project focuses on investigating the problem, its roots, factors leading to the deterioration of the situation, its current state, and possible solutions. The information acquired in the course of research will create the basis for new projects linked to the economics of education and contribute to an enhanced understanding of the scope of the problem and its significance.

Research Questions and Objectives

Regarding the outlined problem and the information linked to it, the following research questions are formulated:

  • What are the main economic disparities in education attainment regarding race and culture?
  • What trends in the economics of education lead to the emergence of these disparities?
  • How do economic disparities in education influence the sphere and its functioning?

The given research questions stimulate the establishment of the following objectives of the study:

  • To investigate the concept of the economy of education and its major aspects
  • To investigate credible research literature to establish the framework for the discussion
  • To explore existing economic disparities in education attainment regarding race and culture
  • To provide statistical evidence proving the influence of race on education acquisition success
  • To discuss measures to address the problem
  • To formulate a conclusion about the current state of the problem and its relation to the economy of education
  • To create the basis for new projects focused on the researched problem

Literature Review

The existing body of research recognises the critical importance of the economics of education and several problems peculiar to this field. The term can be defined as a set of all economic issues related to education, such as demand, financing, provision of knowledge, and study of the effectiveness of specific programs and policies (Bayer & Wilcox, 2019). It means that education economics encompasses a broad range of aspects vital for the functioning of the sphere and its evolution (Hobbs & Mutebi, 2021). At the same time, it helps to determine the most critical issues and address them. Thus, regardless of the constantly growing demand for knowledge and increased attractiveness of education for various people, the financial side of the sector’s work remains complex (Department for Education, 2021). It is associated with several factors that are peculiar to existing educational establishments.

One of the central barriers to the effective work of the sphere and a constantly growing number of students from various groups is the high cost of education. Hobbs & Mutebi (2021) emphasise that the average tuition fees in the UK range from $17,000 to $25,00 per one academic year. Additionally, every student will need about $1,800 per month for living expenses. The sum might differ regarding the city and the quality of life; however, it remains significant. (Bayer & Wilcox, 2019) says that it serves as the major barrier to getting education by people from minorities or marginalised communities. The low level of salaries usually associated with such groups and the necessity to save costs to survive influence individuals’ decisions regarding their education (“Further education participation,” 2020). It means that the existing tuition fee might be unacceptable for some communities, leading to their exclusion from the process and deterioration of the situation.

Another problem is that regardless of multiple attempts to create a tolerant environment, the education sphere still suffers from discrimination. Following the official statistics, only 10% of people engaged in schoolwork are black, while the majority represent the white population (Hobbs & Mutebi, 2021). Moreover, students from traditionally discriminated groups often face unequal or unfair treatment, biased attitudes, or stereotypes (Delhommer, 2022). It creates the basis for the development of critical problems in the given sphere and complications of the situation. The intolerant attitude to minorities combined with the high tuition fees also affect decisions about the choice of the educational establishments and stipulate the radical changes in the economy of education and the functioning of the sphere. Delhommer (2022) views it as an essential issue that should be resolved to ensure all individuals can benefit from the access to demanded knowledge. It also proves the relevance of the discussed problem.

Speaking about educational attainment, numerous researchers also agree that race often plays a critical role in final success. For instance, Stoddard and Toma (2021) outline several problems limiting black people’s chances of successfully graduating from college or university. First of all, the low effectiveness of primary schools unable to transmit the basic knowledge is outlined (Stoddard & Toma, 2021). Statistics show that individuals who were not successful in such schools rarely enrolled in the higher education establishment. At the same time, private schools providing demanded knowledge and preparing individuals for their successful academic careers might be too expensive for representatives of specific cultures or races (Hobbs & Mutebi, 2021). It means that they are deprived of a chance to be prepared for studying at college or university. In such a way, the low effectiveness of primary school and the high cost of other establishments should be viewed as barriers to educational attainment.

Furthermore, the research shows that black and white students do not attend colleges of the same quality. Although college enrolment rates might be similar, they do not show the actual image as the reputation and effectiveness of educational establishments differ (“Further education participation,” 2020). Thus, Hobbs and Mutebi (2021) say that black students represent a much smaller share of students in top colleges, evidencing racial disparities in education. It can also be linked to the financial side of the problem. The tuition fees in privileged educational establishments appreciated by employers are much higher compared to less popular ones. However, companies and firms are more willing to higher specialists from a shortlist of first-class universities (Bayer et al., 2020). It makes the problem more significant as individuals cannot find a well-paid job, move from one social class to another, and allow good education for their children.

Altogether, the existing literature proves the existence of several critical problems in the economics of education. The existing system and policies demonstrate the reduced effectiveness in struggling against racial disparities in education attainment. Individuals from low-income families representing different cultures face multiple barriers impacting their academic activities and chances for successful graduation. Under these conditions, there is a need for additional research to investigate the current problem and conclude about the possible measures to address it and ensure the discriminated groups have access to needed educational services.


Thus, the topic selected for the investigation, the research questions, and the outlined goals influence the research methodology’s choice and methods for data collection. Regarding the scope of the investigated problem, it is possible to use the mixed qualitative-quantitative approach to determine facts that can cultivate an improved understanding of the problem and provide a credible conclusion. At the same time, the given research paradigm will help to conduct a comprehensive study of the issue and analyse it from different perspectives, which is essential for the credibility of findings and conclusions.

First of all, the literature review should be employed as an approach to establish a theoretical framework for the discussion. By creating a pool of credible sources and analysing them, it is possible to formulate a specific vision of the problem and the current state of the economics of education, which is vital for the project (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The scholarly and relevant literature will be used for the research to avoid false or biased data and guarantee the increased credibility of the findings. Moreover, the literature review will help to create a list of nagging issues that should be addressed and formulate questions that should be asked.

The qualitative tools will also be used to select data needed for discussing the outlined problem. This method is effective in collecting personal information and participants’ representations of a particular phenomenon (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Furthermore, using the given tool, it is possible to work with broad population groups to assess their current states and conclude about the topicality of a particular problem. For this reason, using the qualitative method and interviews, it is possible to work with representatives of discriminated groups to understand their attitude to the existing problem and collect data about barriers preventing them from attaining education and creating the basis for career successes in the future.

Moreover, quantitative methods will also be used in the given research project. The given framework provides an improved opportunity to work with numbers and provide statistical information about the investigated phenomena (Creswell & Poth, 2017). This sort of data has increased accuracy and objectivity, meaning that by applying qualitative tools, it is possible to minimise the negative influence of subjective judgments peculiar to participants and establish a clear image of a certain issue (Creswell & Poth, 2017). Under these conditions, it is planned to use the quantitative research paradigm supported by the survey to collect statistical and numerical information about the nature of barriers faced by individuals in education attainment, their number, rates, and financial issues linked to the research question.

Furthermore, it is planned to work with the statistical information acquired from educational establishments’ reports, governmental agencies, and other statements. It is expected that this type of data is vital for demonstrating the differences between various population groups and proving the existence of radical disparities regarding race and culture. Furthermore, the statistical type of data will increase the practical utility of the project and ensure it will have a high practical value for new research projects focused on investigating the same issue.

The research questions introduced above and the objectives linked to them require working with individuals to collect data necessary for the research. For this reason, an effective method to select participants is required. It is planned to use a non-probability, purposive sampling method to find individuals with necessary experiences (Creswell & Poth, 2017). It will help to create the basis for the discussion and acquire an improved understanding of the significant barriers preventing representatives of minorities from attaining education. The inclusion criteria include belonging to a particular race and culture, while gender and age are irrelevant. Applying this approach to participant selection, it is possible to ensure the increased credibility of findings.

Finally, the acquired information will be processed by using several approaches. First of all, the qualitative data will be analysed using thematic analysis and coding. Information about barriers to getting an education and financial issues will be determined and processed to create the basis for the discussion. Second, the quantitative and numerical data portions will be investigated using the SPSS statistics tool. It will help to structure information acquired from reports and surveys and provide conclusions about the current barriers to education attainment regarding race or culture.

Data Sources

The scope and nature of the project imply using several data sources to ensure all information related to the research issue is analysed.

  1. The study will use educational agencies’ reports as primary and secondary sources or numerical data necessary for the discussion. For this reason, the UK government and department of education’s statements will be researched.
  2. Scholarly books and peer-reviewed academic articles will be investigated during the literature review. That is why online databases and libraries will serve as important data sources. It will help to create the theoretical framework for the discussion and acquire an enhanced understanding of the current state of the research problem.
  3. It is planned to acquire the primary data from the participants to determine their current attitudes and problems.

Integrating information from these sources will promote the higher credibility and relevance of the findings.

Ethical Concerns

The research implies collecting data from participants, meaning that it is vital to observe a specific code of ethics to avoid conflicts or critical problems. The study will rest on several basic principles required for working with human beings. First, the participation will be voluntary, meaning that every individual will make a decision whether to take part or not, resting on the informed consent and his/her own desires. Second, confidentiality and anonymity will be guaranteed to all participants for them to feel free to share sensitive data. Finally, mutual respect and observation of fundamental human rights will be ensured. These principles are vital for projects of this sort as they lead to the higher credibility of findings and help to establish trustful relations between an investigator and participants.

Time Frame

The scope of the project demands specific planning and structure to ensure it is conducted within the existing timeframe. For this reason, the following schedule is created:

  • Phase 1: data collection (2 weeks)
  • Phase 2: data analysis (2 weeks)
  • Phase 3: writing the literature review section (2 weeks)
  • Phase 4: selecting participants (2 weeks)
  • Phase 5: conducting the research (1 month)
  • Phase 6: structuring and analysing data (2 weeks)
  • Phase 7: Writing final report


The project might also have several limitations influencing the results. First of all, the number of participants can be viewed as an essential factor. The increased credibility of findings can be attained by attracting high numbers of participants to the research. However, too many individuals might introduce unnecessary complexity and increase the risk of mistakes. For this reason, it should be viewed as the possible limit for the research. The selection might also be a barrier because of the necessity to find individuals with the necessary experiences and ensure they are ready to take part in the research.

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the project will cultivate a better understanding of the current problems in the economy of education. Data collected from participants will be utilized to prove the existence of disparities in education attainment regarding race. It will also help to select effective measures to address the problem and ensure all individuals have equal access to knowledge vital for their successful careers. The results can also be used for new projects linked to the educational sphere and aimed at improving its functioning.


Bayer, A., & Wilcox, D. (2019). The Journal of Economic Education, 50(3), 299-320.

Bayer, A., Bruich, G., Chetty, R., & Housiaux, A. (2020). The Journal of Economic Education, 51(3-4), 364-379.

Creswell, J.W., & Creswell, J.D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications.

Creswell, J., & Poth, C. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Delhommer, S. (2022). Economics of Education Review, 87, 102222.

Department for Education. (2021).

(2020). Gov.uk.

Hobbs, A., & Mutebi, N. (2021). . UK Parliament.

Stoddard, C., & Toma, E. F. (2021). . AERA Open.

Wodtke, G. (2018). . SAGE, 81(4), 273-294.

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"Racial and Economic Disparities in Education." IvyPanda, 24 July 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/racial-and-economic-disparities-in-education/.


IvyPanda. (2023) 'Racial and Economic Disparities in Education'. 24 July.


IvyPanda. 2023. "Racial and Economic Disparities in Education." July 24, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racial-and-economic-disparities-in-education/.

1. IvyPanda. "Racial and Economic Disparities in Education." July 24, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racial-and-economic-disparities-in-education/.


IvyPanda. "Racial and Economic Disparities in Education." July 24, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racial-and-economic-disparities-in-education/.

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