External Communication: Medium
The medium that will be used for the delivery of both messages is e-mail, and its choice is determined by its simplicity, affordability, and efficiency, which allow for increased flexibility and productivity. In other words, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the form of e-mail for the spread of workplace-related messages helps employees stay informed. According to Stich et al. (2018), regardless of the potential negative effects of ICT, such as technostress-caused burnout, “employees often embrace these technologies in the workplace, just as they do in their private lives” (p. 98). In the case of the current communication, sending e-mail letters to all employees at once will provide their awareness concerning planned in-person meetings in a time-sensitive manner. In the case of external communication with employees and stakeholders concerning product development, sending e-mail letters to a large audience will help spread information quickly as well. At the same time, an absence of necessity in their urgent response will not create an additional workload-related burden.
External Communication: Audience
The target audience of external communication dedicated to open communication during in-person meetings is internal, including employees and upper management. On the one hand, communication skills in the workplace are regarded as essential for both leaders and team members (Coffelt et al., 2019). On the other hand, communication barriers may be created by environmental, cultural, and individual factors that should be considered (Yusof & Rahmat, 2020). In other words, employees have different perceptions of and attitudes to work-related aspects, and their expression is substantially determined by personal characteristics and cultural values. Thus, in the message, it is essential to emphasize that their active participation in meetings’ and discussions will be welcomed.
The target audience of external communication dedicated to product development and employees training is both external and internal, including a company’s management, stakeholders, and partners. It goes without saying that these people may act in accordance with their individual and cultural peculiarities. However, stakeholders outside the company and its management are primarily guided by their own interests. In this case, in the message, it is essential to underline that addressing common issues and collaboration will benefit all parties.
External Communication: Message
Open Communication: Message for Internal Audience
Subject: In-person meeting
Dear colleagues,
As you have already known, our company is working on the development of a new project. Although multiple specialists are involved, the successful achievement of corporate goals will be impossible without the cooperation of all employees. Moreover, the most efficient strategies derive from a pool of people’s ideas and opinions. You are all different, and all of you have unique perceptions and attitudes. At the same time, you may have individual needs, doubts, and concerns related to the expediency of the current innovation. That is why you are invited to the in-person meeting to allow engagement with other team members and upper management, which will be held on Thursday, October 20, at 10 am in the second-floor conference room. It will last for approximately two hours, during which your voices will be welcomed. You will have full freedom to share your opinions concerning product development or express your doubts in relation to it. All your comments and feedback will definitely be addressed for better understanding and more efficient team building.
Thank you for your time, and we hope to see you on October 20,
Best regards,
In general, the current message contributes to the organization’s strategic goals, such as team building, bonding, productivity, and adding overall value through the invitation for the creation of an open environment to voice opinions. First of all, it emphasizes that the contribution of employees is essential. Subsequently, it states that all their opinions are important and should be freely expressed. In addition, the message refers to the common issue of employees’ rejection of the change process due to its complexity, misunderstanding caused by a lack of information, and personal identity’s type (Usman, 2020; Aduku et al., 2021). That is why workers are invited to share opinions and express concerns to receive an explanation. In this case, people will feel valued and respected, increasing their job commitment and productivity.
Open Communication: Message for External and Internal Audience
Subject: Training and budgeting
Dear stakeholders,
Stable growth and development within the framework of a highly competitive environment require innovations. That is why our company decided to develop a new product that will benefit all its stakeholders. First of all, it will allow an increase in sales and profits through the attraction of new consumers. In addition, it will increase brand awareness and improve the company’s image. At the same time, new product development requires organizational changes and financial capabilities. In order to prepare employees for a new product’s design and implementation, it is essential to organize their training and provide all necessary information to prevent rejection and ensure they are up to date with all new key details. In addition, it is essential to discuss budgeting allowances for this new project. For this, you are invited to an in-person meeting with the company’s upper management that will be held on Thursday, October 20, at 12 pm in the second-floor conference room. It will last for approximately two hours, during which budgeting and the details of training on the basis of employees’ concerns and ideas will be discussed.
Thank you for your time, and we hope to see you on October 20,
Best regards,
In this message, the necessity of employees’ training and budgeting for the achievement of common organizational goals is reflected. In addition, the addressing of stakeholders’ benefits from new product development refers to the key factors of an external audience that pursues its own interests. Finally, this message underlines the importance of all stakeholders’ collaboration and considering their opinions, attitudes, and needs for appropriate results.
External Communication: Conflict
In the case of external communication with an external audience, the potential sources of conflicts are a lack of stakeholders’ communication skills and differences in personal interests. In turn, the sources of conflict within the internal audience are personal and cultural peculiarities, stress-connected environmental issues, and misunderstanding due to a lack of information (Yusof & Rahmat, 2020). While “employee’s proactive behaviors are critical for organization survival, adaptability, and success in the current business environment, not all of them may express their emotions, needs, and opinions due to cultural or personal barriers (Afsar et al., 2019, p. 66). At the same time, it may lead to inner discomfort that causes interpersonal conflicts.
Articulation of Response
In order to prevent conflict, it is essential to create an open environment in the workplace that will be characterized by employees’ freedom to express their ideas, demands, and doubts to be addressed and resolved. At the same time, open communication is essential between external and internal stakeholders for discussions dedicated to their positions in order to find an agreement between all parties. In addition, it is necessary to respond to any signs of misunderstanding and prevent it through a quick spread of reliable and full information. All employees should feel that their contribution to the common goal achievement is required and their perceptions are valued. In turn, external stakeholders should realize that their interests are considered as well.
Aduku, D. J., Hassan, O. M., & Nafiu, A. T. (2021). Descriptive analysis of perceived change acceptance and change rejection in banks in North Central Nigeria. Business Excellence and Management, 11(2), 52-68. Web.
Afsar, B., Shahjehan, A., Shah, S. I., & Wajid, A. (2019). The mediating role of transformational leadership in the relationship between cultural intelligence and employee voice behavior: A case of hotel employees. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 69, 66-75. Web.
Coffelt, T. A., Grauman, D., & Smith, F. L. (2019). Employers’ perspectives on workplace communication skills: The meaning of communication skills. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 82(4), 418-439.
Stich, J. F., Tarafdar, M., & Cooper, C. L. (2018). Electronic communication in the workplace: Boon or bane? Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(1), 98-106. Web.
Usman, M. (2020). Transformational leadership and organizational change: In the context of today’s leader. International Business Education Journal, 13(1), 95-107. Web.
Yusof, A. N. A. M., & Rahmat, N. H. (2020). Communication barriers at the workplace: A case study. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(10), 228-240. Web.