Faraone, & Larson. (2019). Genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PubMed. Web.
This article features an in-depth look at a chronic medical problem of attention deficit. It discusses the manifestations, nursing interventions, and pathophysiology of the disorder in an attempt to manage the increased cases of the disorder. This report is essential as it discusses my medical journey to recover from hyperactivity disorder. This article is based on a medical journal whose strength and validity are a tribute to Library databases.
Xu, G., Snetselaar, L. G., Strathestn, L., Ryckman, K., Nothwehr, F., & Torner, J. (2022) Association between the history attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis and cardiovascular disease in the U.S. adults. Health Psychology, 41(10), 693- 700. Web.
This account is a history of attention deficit, consequently known as hyperactivity disorder. It clearly outlines the origin and early symptoms of the disorder and the scientist who discovered attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In addition, the article exhibits the remedies for hyperactivity disorder. I can employ this reference in the preface writing of Anthropology and the mode section and analysis. The proficiency of this article is undisputed because it is competently analyzed and explored from the relevant medical websites.
ADHD—what causes attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and how is it treated? (2021). Pediatric Patient Education. Web.
This article describes the causes of hyperactivity disorder and the potential factors of a medical condition. It outlines how environmental factors and genetic factors are associated with attention deficit. Equally, the article outlines how brain development and brain injuries are linked with the disorder. This article clearly outlines the signs and symptoms of ADHD in both early and later stages. Similarly, the article describes the nursing process involved in the formation of an efficient healthcare plan.
Sharma, M. (2018). Conservative therapy through adequate doctor-patient interaction improves outcomes in patients suffering from attention deficit. International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics, 04 (04), 1-2. Web.
It unravels the medical procedures, patient treatments, and development of a favorable health system. The article’s attention to detail manicures the understandability of the concepts of the modern healthcare system. The emphasis on public relations between the nurses and patients or caregivers flavors the report. Ethical considerations in the healthcare sector, such as confidentiality, are perfectly addressed in this report. Ultimately, programs such as fostering patients’ physical exercise and behavioral management techniques are addressed in this article.