Right for Abortion: Arguments Against Essay

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The right to abortion has been one of the most divisive issues on the earth for a long time, pitting two main factions. Pro-abortionists contend that it is simply a kind of birth control, while pro-lifers claim it is immoral and equates to the murder of an innocent child. The latter argue that nothing is inherently wrong with it because every child should be born when desired. Instead of providing solutions, the numerous laws, government policies, and even hard-line positions taken by some institutions, including the church, have increased controversy surrounding this issue. One could argue that there would never be agreement on the advantages and disadvantages of abortion in any article or discussion. Nonetheless, the legalization of abortions should be prohibited, as the normalization of abortions would send a message that responsibility is not important and a human life, that begins at the moment of conception, is not valuable.

Pro-lifers say that abortion has several drawbacks. Most books seem to favor abortion’s disadvantages over its benefits. Abortion is merely a transient and irrational choice that gives women the impression that they have found some solace for an unwanted kid in the face of the potential for a permanent loss of fertility. Even though removing an undesired pregnancy might relieve the woman, there is no chance she would ever be fertile again, primarily if an unqualified person conducted the procedure. Even when carried out by a licensed medical professional, issues like those occurring during some medical practices are still possible. If they do, women risk losing overall fertility. In reality, a majority of the women who underwent abortion complications had lost the ability to conceive or had experienced a miscarriage, according to interviews done with those women.

Whether or not abortion is morally and ethically right or immoral is the critical question in the debate. In the course’s first unit, there is much discussion on ethics and morality. Therefore, it is a sin for any Christian to neglect to honor God’s creations and safeguard human life. Also, as was covered in the unit, people are expected to reflect critically on their behavior, be held accountable, and refrain from looking for fast fixes to issues they face. Furthermore, since people were created in God’s image, rejecting human life at any time is equivalent to rejecting God. The church has argued that because abortion entails the killing of a divinely innocent being who has not yet sinned, supporting it is comparable to adopting a civilization of death and life without Jesus Christ. The religion forbids abortion even in circumstances of rape or incest. Because every life is sacred and equal before God, and because no one of mankind is different from the other, it should be attempted to save both human lives even if the pregnancy is in danger. In this situation, a woman may seek care right away but not an abortion weeks after the tragedy.

In conclusion, as things stand right now, the abortion should not be legalized. Abortion is still a murder and a deadly sin. Additionally, expectant mothers have a wide range of options, such as adoption, that let them decide to give their kid a healthy life rather than have an abortion. Therefore, rather than making abortions legal, people should work to improve the resources and assistance available to expecting mothers so they can decide to give their children a life.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 1). Right for Abortion: Arguments Against. https://ivypanda.com/essays/right-for-abortion-arguments-against/

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"Right for Abortion: Arguments Against." IvyPanda, 1 June 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/right-for-abortion-arguments-against/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Right for Abortion: Arguments Against'. 1 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Right for Abortion: Arguments Against." June 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/right-for-abortion-arguments-against/.

1. IvyPanda. "Right for Abortion: Arguments Against." June 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/right-for-abortion-arguments-against/.


IvyPanda. "Right for Abortion: Arguments Against." June 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/right-for-abortion-arguments-against/.

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