Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance Essay

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Riordan manufactures a company that deals with production in large-scale production; as such, it is essential for the firm to have a human resources team that will ensure its success. The opinion is that two jobs are important, namely, sales and marketing personnel and an accountant. These jobs are important for reasons of advertising the company’s products, establishing market for the products, bookkeeping, and preparing the profit and loss accounts for the firm, among others reasons (Garcia & McGregor, 2008).

To maintain its good reputation, it is important for a company to administer its employees well so that they can be able to deliver on time and efficiently. The formula of managing employees is through use of performance management system (PMS); PMS can be described as a sequence of procedures that involves all activities, which are meant to ensure that the objectives of a firm are accomplished on a regular basis is an effective and proficient way (Rao, 2004).

Riordan manufacturers is a well- known and well established in terms of service delivery, which means that costumers also have trust and confidence in their quality products. Because of the variety of employees performing varied activities, it is recommendable for the firm to have a performance management system so as to achieve quality service delivery and other advantages as follows. First, PMS is essential in improving the productivity of the firm (Rao, 2004); the output of any business is the key to achieving positive goals.

It is, therefore, recommendable for a firm that deals with production to make use of the system so as to acquire quality and quantity services for profit maximization.

Second, the PMS is useful in realizing the growth of employees (Rao, 2004); evaluation of the employees guides them toward making adjustments which necessary and therefore ensures growth in the process through acquisition of proper skills as a tool for success. In fact, any business with a PMS also provides employees with an opportunity to expand their skills.

Finally, a PMS is indispensable where time management is concerned (Rao, 2004); as the saying goes, “time is money,” therefore any manager should be able to know when his staff is performing duties in an efficient manner that optimizes productivity. It is recommendable to use PMS based on those reasons.


Rao, T.V. (2004). Performance management and appraisal system: HR tool for global Competiveness. New Delhi. Sage publications.

Garcia, A & McGregor, J. (2008). Facilities planning and design. New Jersey: Prentice hall.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 4). Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance.

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"Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance." IvyPanda, 4 June 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance'. 4 June.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance." June 4, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance." June 4, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Riordan Manufacturing: Sustaining Employee Performance." June 4, 2020.

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