Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan Term Paper

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Description of the company

Shyton Marketing Company is a marketing company that operates within the Arizona State. The management team of this company comprises of the client sourcing manager, online system administrator, the market research manager and the business development manager. These managers also act as marketers in the business.

Marketing plan for an internet based small business


The product to be marketed is the online ticketing service for clients interested in attending the numerous social events within the Arizona State. The market that this product targets is the young adults between the age of 18 years and 30 years who are the majority of attendees of these events.

The targeted group spends nearly a quarter of a day online and is keen followers of social events. Besides, they have unlimited access to the internet from their mobile phones. Thus, positioning the online ticket product to this group would be very successful since the elements of time saving and online discounts as part of the marketing message would attract the target clients.


In order for the Shyton Marketing Company to reach the above target market, the company will hire three vehicles fitted with loudspeakers to announce the product across different collages and estates where the target market is easily found. These automobiles will also be fitted with visible posters of the company online ticketing product.

The automobiles will be allocated to different regions of Arizona where the availability and visibility of the company’s products are minimal. The targeted clients will be advised on the exact procedure of buying the online tickets from the company website. In order to successfully implement this strategy, the Shyton Marketing Company will have to hire five markets on a temporary basis to accompany the marketing entourage.


Since the price of the online ticketing product is determined by organizers of different events, the difference in price between online and window purchase will be as a result of commissions offered by the event organizers. The company will endeavor to make the online ticketing product more affordable than the shop price of the same ticket.

Through the good, better, best pricing strategy comprising of discounts for every ticket purchased online, the target client segment is projected to increase their purchase of online tickets for the company. Therefore, applying the costing strategy, the company will be able attract customers from this segment and achieve the aim of the quantity maximization by the increasing number of online tickets sold at a discount lower than the ticket price at these events or franchised shops.

Product promotion

Through timely appeal to emotions and self prejudice, the Shyton Marketing Company will increase their advertisement in the social media, newspaper and broadcast media, and billboards for the online ticketing product. The Shyton Marketing Company will succeed in implementing this aspect of ‘jumping the queue’ ahead of other competitors through visible signs of the online ticketing product all over the region of Arizona.

These advertisements erected signs will endeavor to cue the visual mental aspect of the targeted customers into the online ticket purchase product. In order to successfully implement the above promotion strategy, the online ticket sale product will be packaged as a trendy element to technological gaucho clients by incorporating guerrilla marketing and recruiting a popular local celebrity whose image will be part of the product posters in the billboards.

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IvyPanda. (2019, January 17). Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan.

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"Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan." IvyPanda, 17 Jan. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan'. 17 January.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan." January 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan." January 17, 2019.


IvyPanda. "Shyton Marketing Company: Marketing Plan." January 17, 2019.

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