Sicko by Michael Moore Report

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It has been the norm to refer to an outspoken filmmaker whose work elicits emotions among movie critics as a controversial and polarizing figure. Sicko by Michael Moore is a film that reinforced the belief that Michael Moore remains a controversial figure driven by personal ego to influence critical policies. Critics however point out that the intense debate o this movie has been precipitated by the bottom-line topic it touches -health care in the United States. In the review, of the movie, I believe Moore is persuasive in that he accomplishes one important goal. This is successfully managing to convince the viewers that the United States policy makers have failed to institute revolutionary policies in health care that have been done by other nations. Having received a description of hard hitting documentarians, Moore has edited and spanned around the themes of this movie that makes it compulsively watchable.

Persuasive Strategies

One notable and largely effective attempt by Moore to effectively make use of persuasive strategies is the use of statistics. In Sicko, Moore has used hard data to effectively relay its central message and persuade the viewers that health policies in the United States are failing. The ideas projected by Moore in the film include the need for a redress in health care system and call for urgent adoption of effective health care systems in other nations such as Canada, Britain and France.

The order and Strategies used by Moore to reach Audience

To understand the effectiveness of the strategies and the order used by Moore to reach his audience, it would be appropriate to point out the main theme of the film and then proceed to critically analyze the tools used by Moore in presenting these strategies within this film. As has been stated, the main theme around Sicko revolves around the appalling state of the American health care system. One effective approach that Moore has used to reach its audience is the application of a straightforward thesis that makes it captivating from the beginning. The beginning of the movie is encompassed in “cherry-picking horror stories” that includes death and incapacitation of American population because of inefficiency in the health care policies. Moore succeeds to greater extent by demonstrating the accepted fact that in the American health care that greed trumps need.

In addition to the above, Moore has used comparative strategy to demonstrate the appalling state of American health care system and reluctance to change these policies. This involves ferrying a group of 9/11 volunteers to Cuba for specialized treatment that they have failed to receive in the United States. This therefore reveals the more glaring weaknesses in the United States health care system. The comparative analysis has enabled Moore to reveal the deficiencies in the American system of private medical insurance which are revealed as success stories in other countries. Within the comparative analysis that aims at demonstrating the weaknesses in the American system that is driven by greed but not need, Moore proceeds to present that British doctors are well paid, Canadians do not have wait for long hours to access emergency medical services and the French are not taxed to access basic health services.


In conclusion, whereas the Sicko, has been describes as inconsistent and flawed; the fact remains that Moore has touched on a topic that has been politicized. It therefore remains a fact that it is easy to abide by the message of Moore that there are deficiencies in the American health system that need to be fixed.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 29). Sicko by Michael Moore.

Work Cited

"Sicko by Michael Moore." IvyPanda, 29 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Sicko by Michael Moore'. 29 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Sicko by Michael Moore." December 29, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Sicko by Michael Moore." December 29, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Sicko by Michael Moore." December 29, 2021.

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