The idea that most people are sleepwalking through life is a very important aspect in our society. Therefore, it is undeniable that most people who are sleepwalking through life are always unaware of what they are doing. This means that a sleepwalker will not be aware that he is engaging himself in such behavior.
It should be known that there have been a lot of arguments in relation to sleepwalking which needs to be understood. As a matter of fact, some people have treated individuals who are sleepwalking differently yet they need to be understood and supported for the society’s well being.
Most of us are sleepwalking in life which is undisputable. As much as most people are unaware that they are sleepwalking, this is caused by various reasons and aspects. The pressures of modern life have made people to sleepwalk in life which is set to continue as time goes by (Charlie 12).
I think that most people are sleepwalking through their life because they are midway their organizational lives. Sleepwalking can be done in different dimensions depending on the activity that an individual is engaged in. When people are asked if they are sleepwalking, they will always say no yet this is not the case. It should be known that there are various symptoms of sleepwalking that can be exhibited by individuals like having no goals and ambitions.
Most things that people do are the ones that are making them to sleepwalk like constant watching of TV, surfing on the internet and others. I think that we are sleepwalking in life because we engage in unproductive activities. This is because of shutting off their brains as a result of these activities (Nowak 16). People who are living their lives in a state of unconsciousness can also be said to be sleepwalking.
This should not be assumed to be physically awake because we might think that we are okay. There are individuals who are not aware of whom they are in the society which is a reason for sleepwalking through life. In this case, there is a large context of life that people can be part of which should be understood.
It is not easy to tell an individual who is sleepwalking in life because they are just like any one of us. We always sleepwalk because we do not have any clarity in our lives. In the long run, we end up being physical shells that are just there. As earlier noted, sleepwalking can be manifested in different ways and this is as far as people who are not thinking about their future are concerned (Culebras 15). Our life should always be about the bigger picture and when we lack it we are also sleepwalking.
If you can not find enough time to do the things that you want to do in life then you are literally sleepwalking. This is mainly caused by being preoccupied with things that do not matter in life. As a matter of fact, it has been argued that sleepwalkers are always busy and they will wait for another next time to accomplish their goals.
Lack of motivation or ambition has been cited as one of the reasons behind sleepwalking. It should be known that most people are not driven in their lives because of various things which should be evaluated. This is based on the pretext that we are just there to live which is not good at all (Mackay 23).
There is no need to live other people’s expectations because we will not be able to define our direction. People should not be made to stash away their goals and desires which might revolve around sleepwalking. The society has a lot of sleepwalkers because of our preoccupation with making money where we forget what we stand for.
This means that there is something that can be done to stop or reduce sleepwalking in the society (De Bruxelles 9). In this case, this is as far as how we can break out of such a situation is concerned. It is undeniable that everybody has his dream that he/she wishes to accomplish in life and they should be supported for long term sustainability.
This means that there is a solution to everything so long as a good approach is given. To break out of this, we should engage ourselves in value added activities. This should not revolve around filling our lives with random activities but with things that will better our lives. There is no need for a passive approach to life because most people live on a day to day basis.
Because all of us sleepwalk in life, we should pay more attention to time allocation. This will enable us to do things that matter most because it is not good to wait for next time (Charlie 27). In conclusion, we can say that most of us are sleepwalking in life because of our environment and society. This is because we need to be on the move to make money which has been considered as the measure of success. All this activities have made people to be preoccupied with a lot of things that wear them down leading to sleepwalking.
There is a lot of competition in the society today which has complicated everything because there is nobody who wants to be left behind. All in all, there is a lot that can be done to ensure that people are focused in life based on proper identification of goals.
Works Cited
Charlie Parish. Sleep Walking Through Life. 2011. Web.
Culebras, Antonio. Somnambulism: Clinical Handbook of Sleep Disorders. Massachusetts: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. Print.
De Bruxelles, Simon. Sleepwalker Brian Thomas admits killing wife while fighting intruders in nightmare. London: The Times, 2009. Print.
Mackay, Irene. The Sleepwalker is not insane. New York: Routledge, 1992. Print.
Nowak, Rachel. Sleepwalking woman had sex with strangers. New York: New Scientist, 2004. Print.