My county Miami-Dade and is ranked fourth in the state of Florida in terms of health situation. Miami-Dade demonstrates results which are much better compared to other state counties. For instance, my county is first in terms of the length of life, which means that people here tend to live longer on average (Miami-Dade, 2021). Such a high position is possible due to a low number of premature deaths, which is even lower than that in Florida. Miami-Dade’s health behaviors are also best in the state, which demonstrates that people in the county care about their health. The county was able to achieve such a favorable score due to 98% access to exercise opportunities and only 16% in adult smoking. The access to exercise options in Miami-Dade is truly universal since there are many places where you can freely engage in sports activity.
Nevertheless, Miami-Dade underperforms in terms of quality of life and is ranked only seventeenth in the state. Such a position is due to 24% of the residents reporting poor or fair health, as well as a low birthrate of only 8%. The county also has one of the poorest clinical care conditions in Florida and occupies the sixtieth place in this segment. The county’s clinical care is actually in poor condition because 20% of the residents are uninsured, and there are only 28% of the population getting a flu vaccination, with the state average of 46%. The overall health ranking of the state of Florida is significantly impacted by counties’ disparities. For instance, 26% of Miami-Dade’s population faces severe housing costs, which is significantly more than 17% in Florida in general (“Severe housing,” 2021). Miami-Dade’s high school completion is also lower than the state average, while income inequality and child poverty are higher. For instance, many of my classmates at school decided to drop out early and not finish their studies.
Miami-Dade. (2021). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps.
Severe housing cost burden. (2021). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps.