Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility Essay

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Review on Bartlett and Goshal’s research article (1994)

In their research article, Bartlett and Goshal (1994) addressed the idea of following certain organizational structures. They evaluated the second half of the 20th century and came to the conclusion that high-growth environments presuppose the presence of structure and strategy. Regardless, they are certain of the fact that the existing business environment is different. Markets are now global, the lines that separated businesses are now gone, and overcapacity has become a commonplace event. In addition to this, Bartlett and Goshal (1994) point out that even an early entry in the market is not as beneficial as before.

The author of the article explained that a new approach to management is necessary if businesses expect to become successful. The researchers conducted a study that involved numerous companies from all over the world and concluded that change is necessary, especially in the roles of top management. Bartlett and Goshal (1994) claimed that senior managers should be subject to changing their way of thinking and going out-of-the-box. In other words, there should be a definite organizational purpose that will allow them to focus on the development of core business processes.

Review on Dees’ research article (1998)

In his research article, Dees (1998) addressed the question of behaviors which contribute to the development of social entrepreneurship. He was certain of the fact that such behaviors should be remunerated and stimulated because they led to the advent of capable teams that were led by a passionate leader. However, Dees (1998) explicitly stated that not everyone could become a social entrepreneur because not everyone possessed the qualities that were necessary to ensure that an entrepreneurial leader would be born. He applied the same concept to the business environment and hypothesized that entrepreneurship is not something that every leader should pursue.

Even though the entrepreneurial approach is beneficial, we need to consider the idea that our society is functioning on the basis of a huge variety of leadership styles and forms. Dees (1998) concluded by saying that social entrepreneurs should be recognized as the owners of an idiosyncratic status but never a commonplace breed of leaders that can manage everything. We need social entrepreneurs in our lives, but we should find a way to integrate this form of leadership into the existing business environment without distressing the essential vocation of social entrepreneurs.

Review on Dees and Anderson’s research article (2003)

In the research article written by Dees and Anderson (2003), the concept of the importance of social entrepreneurs was extended even further. They considered the transition experienced by conventional boundaries between businesses in public and private sectors. These transformations can be validated by the necessity to find cost-effective ways of running a business that would positively affect sustainability and allow the leaders to solve social problems that transpire during the process. At the moment when these transformations began, the number of social entrepreneurs in both sectors started growing exponentially.

Their key objective was to organize businesses in a way that would allow them to set up a for-profit background with a social purpose. Dees and Anderson (2003) addressed the majority of the complications that are met by social entrepreneurs on this route and listed the most difficult challenges which could adversely influence the business environment that was created by social entrepreneurs. The authors of the article critically approached all the limitations and provided the readers with a series of intelligent solutions.

Review on Porter and Kramer’s research article (2011)

The last article was written by Porter and Kramer (2011), and it discussed the benefits of coming up with a new approach that would promote shared values and updated management styles. The authors of the article explained that the private and public sectors followed different paths in terms of career and education, which might be the key contributors to the existence of differences between their social and economic concerns.

On a larger scale, Porter and Kramer (2011) hypothesized that only a limited number of modern managers are aware of environmental and social problems existing on both sides of the fence. This hints at the idea that these managers who do not possess the required knowledge should train and transform their mindset in order to be in line with modern business practices. Porter and Kramer (2011) concluded by saying that the implementation of a shared value model is a critical add-on to any organization which is interested in getting rid of cynicism and starting to use and allocate resources more efficiently.

Implications for Business

Based on the readings presented above, it can be concluded that we are living in the era of an ever-changing business environment. We witnessed how the concepts of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility changed over time. Right now, we should focus on minimizing the effects of the market being split up into its public and private forms. There should be a way to eradicate the difficulties revolving around their opposing business objectives and to develop a unified model which would take into account all the issues that currently exist. The most important thing here is to let entrepreneurial leaders take the reins of government into their own hands and manage business structures more flexibly.

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IvyPanda. (2020, November 6). Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility.

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"Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility." IvyPanda, 6 Nov. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility'. 6 November.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility." November 6, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility." November 6, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Responsibility." November 6, 2020.

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