Learning As defined by (Noe, 2009), is a way through which a person acquires new knowledge as well as skills and behaviors, which generally incorporates synthesizing a range of information in the general environment.
This essay focuses on social learning theory, developed by Bandura, as evident in modern business organizations. Basically, the theory points out that, individuals in organizations learn from each other by means of observation, imitation as well as modeling among many other techniques.
The most critical element in the social learning theory proposed by Bandura is the focus on, what is termed as reciprocal determinism. Essentially, the component of reciprocal determinism points out that, a person’s behavior is stimulated by surrounding environment, besides an individual’s characters, and these factors always work together in any learning situation (Noe, 2009).
Basic concepts
Some of the fundamental principles of this theory include the following; one, individuals are able to learn from others, by observing the way they carry out their duties as well as the results of their conducts. Two, learning can take place even if there is no modification of behavior.
Three, cognition is essential in any social learning process, ostensibly because, awareness as well as expectations relating to expected reinforcements or even punishments significantly impact people’s behavior. Additionally, social learning is a form of transition, especially in relation to behavior coupled with learning techniques (Noe, 2009).
To begin with, observational learning in organizations through imitating others is a common occurrence in today’s business environment. For example, if employees observe violent behaviors of their bosses, they are likely to do the same when they get opportunity. In relation to observational learning (Noe, 2009) points out three models.
One is a live model, which basically entails the very person demonstrating behavior. Two is the model relating to verbal instructions, where behaviors are critically described as well as analyzed. Three is the symbolic model, which encompasses not only real characters, but also fictional ones, who will exhibit various behaviors as documented in written materials like books and other forms of media (Noe, 2009).
Moreover, a person’s mental state contributes to learning, where in this case, one’s pride, self-esteem among others, determines how one’s learning process will be. Again, it is not necessary that all the learned behaviors will induce change; this is likely to be the case where learning involves testing to establish truth (Noe, 2009).
According to (Noe, 2009), the social learning theory is a crucial theory as far as learning together with development of individuals is concerned. From a social context, people are able to learn mostly by observing what others are doing, thus termed as observational learning.
In this perspective, such kind of learning is applied in comprehending various human behaviors in organizations. (Noe, 2009) points out that, there are three critical aspects relating to social learning. One is the fact that individuals are able to learn by observing. Two, each person’s mental status is pivotal in the learning process. And three, usually, something one learns does not guarantee change in conduct
The modeling process
Apparently, research studies have shown that, there are some observed behaviors which may not be well learned. Oftentimes, factors touching on both the model and learner determine success of the entire learning process. In such cases, standard procedures are emulated. For this purpose, some of the following stages are encompassed in any learning as well as modeling process (Noe, 2009).
First and foremost is the attention stage, where an individual intending to learn is required to focus on learning. Unfortunately, any distraction disrupts effective observation, which in turn affects the learning process. Second, retention of observed and learned information is mandatory in any learning situation. However, retention is influenced by a number of environmental forces.
Three, is reproduction of learned facts, which should be demonstrated by putting into practice such facts. In reproducing facts, one is able to advance as well as improve learning skills in relative situations (Noe, 2009).
Finally, motivation of learners cements their learning skills, ostensibly because they will be encouraged to model observed behavior. In this respect, reinforcement as well as punishment is imperative in motivating employees. For instance, if organizational employees see their colleague awarded for meeting expected objectives, they will strive towards meeting theirs to be rewarded like their colleague (Noe, 2009).
Social learning theory is applicable in organizations, particularly in assisting employees boost their performance. Broadly speaking, by encouraging employees to take personal responsibility for their jobs, obviously, better job performance is likely to occur, especially if employee ability levels are high.
Better employee performance will result as employees’ thoughts as well as beliefs change, in favor of personal development toward organization tasks if well compensated. This is common when successful cases are on the rise (Noe, 2009). Undeniably, application of social learning theory would provide similar results in a social setting, in this case organizations.
In brief, not only has social learning theory stimulated development of psychology related theories; it has also a significant impact on social settings like in organizations and education institutions.
Presently, organizational leaders lay much emphasis on modeling as one of the techniques for influencing desirable behaviors. Additionally, organizational strategies such employee motivation are equally based on the social learning theory (Noe, 2009).
Noe, R. (2009). Employee training and development. New York: McGraw-Hill Word count: 850