Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent Essay

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The participants are three males and three females and are all heterosexual. Two of the females are 22 years old and are in committed relationships whereas the other female is 23 years old and is single. Two of the male participants are 22 years old and single. The other male participant is 28 years old and is in a committed relationship.

All the participants agree that it is acceptable to have sex before marriage. However, the males are more liberal than the females because they all think that the maximum duration that a couple ought to take before engaging in sex is one month. The females, on the other hand, think that the minimum time before engaging in sex ought to be six months.

This means that the males are likely to engage in sex earlier than the females. In addition, the male subjects agree with having friends for purely sexual acts without committed relationships. Two of the females are not interested in a “friends with benefits” relationship. However, only one of the females accepts that she can consent to a “friends with benefits” relationship if the guy in question is someone who she likes.

The males are sexually liberal than females because most females tend to get involved emotionally and psychologically with their sexual partners. Males, on the other hand, simply view sex as the physical act. They, therefore, do not attach themselves emotionally to their sexual partners hence the ability to have sex (without a committed relationship) with many partners without a sense of guilt.

The definition of dating varies with gender to some extent. The male participants see dating as “hanging out” with a friend of the opposite sex, which may include sex. The females view dating as spending time with someone without involving sexual activity. All the participants agree “booty call” has sex as the sole intention.

Their thoughts on hooking up are diverse and do not correlate with the participants’ age or gender. For example, some participants think that hooking up includes sex as the key agenda while others think that hooking up has different results. The participants unanimously agree “open relationships” promote promiscuity and no one is willing to be part of open relationships. The participants also agree that cheating involves having a relationship (sexual or not) with someone other than one’s official spouse.

Technology makes dating convenient since people can communicate effortlessly via email and online chatting services. Technology also facilitates meeting new people. However, technology makes it easy for unfaithful spouses to cheat on their partners.

The male participants are open to online dating. The females, however, find online dating a misuse of time as they do not trust the people they meet online. The two parties reach a compromise that watching pornography does not affect relationships. However, all males are willing to watch pornography with their partners whereas only one of the three females is willing to do so.

None of the participants agrees on swapping of partners or “swinging.” The 28-year old male subject is the only one who agrees to have a threesome. All these outcomes are because everyone regardless of age or gender tends to guard jealously their sexual partner.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 30). Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent.

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"Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent." IvyPanda, 30 Nov. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent'. 30 November.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent." November 30, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent." November 30, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Social Survey: Men and Women on Sexual Intent." November 30, 2018.

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