Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges Research Paper

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Socio-Technical Systems

Integrating technical systems, built to offer interactions between users and systems, with social systems is necessary for a socio-technical system to function well. However, the paper explores the understanding of socio-technical system concepts and history by reviewing an article titled Historical Aspects of the Traditional Development of socio-technical Systems by Moiseeva and Myatishkin (2021). The article states two possible paths for the evolution of socio-technical systems. The evaluation focuses on an article, Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference, by Solovev et al. (2019). Moiseeva and Myatishkin (2021) borrowed information from the article by Solovev et al. (2019), thus suggesting that the evolution of the socio-technical system takes the form of either conventional or novel. Therefore, socio-technical systems are difficult to predict and constantly changing. Humans are part of complex systems involving technology and institutions; thus, ensuring their safety is not a simple, step-by-step procedure.

Moiseeva and Myatishkin (2021) employed theoretical analysis and synthesis research methods based on formal logic to understand the historical context of traditional management and determine essential ways of adopting innovative socio-technical system development. The authors analyzed the various transforming ideas about the relationship between people and technology. For their lengthy evolution, the idea of managing complex socio-technical systems has experienced several key shifts. The goal of the formalization of management theory was to bring together objective mathematical analysis and managers’ subjective judgments. The systems approach, which represents a novel school of thought in the methodology of scientific knowledge, is increasingly being used in the management field. After adopting a systems-based approach, they were able to begin addressing issues related to the administration of complex socio-technical systems.

The article is a conference paper from SHS WEB conferences. All social sciences and humanities are represented in the SHS Web of Conferences, an open-access publishing series that archives conference proceedings. The information from this article achieves research credibility requirements since conference papers are great for testing concepts, sharing your work with peers, and polishing research questions. The decision-making process is conducted behind closed doors at the highest levels of authority. For the socio-technical system to progress in novel ways, it will be necessary to employ alternative management strategies.

“Classical” INFOSEC Management

The paper also reviews an article from the journal, The Strategic Problem of Information Security and Data Breaches by Dinger and Wade (2022) to understand the ideas of classical INFOSEC management. The Coastal Business Journal provides vital and reliable information to guide scholars and business students. By promptly disseminating applicable academic works, The Coastal Business Journal (The CBJ) aims to bolster the study and teaching of business administration. It prioritizes works that address challenges of company administration and business growth in coastal regions. Topics submitted for publishing consideration should interest practitioners and academics, as this is our target audience.

This article examines the strategic dilemma given by information security breaches for organizational executives and addresses the strategic uncertainties and repercussions of high-profile data breaches. The article for evaluation in this paper is Cybersecurity Breach Bankruptcy: It Does Happen by Black (2019). The article explains how cyberattacks have contributed to the demise of various businesses. Attributing failures in cyber defense to all business failures is not easy. The author added that a breach had to have materially contributed to bankruptcy or caused the firm to discontinue operations.

Moreover, in their journal, Dinger and Wade (2022) borrowed Black’s knowledge, claiming that constant threats to the safety of sensitive company data plague companies worldwide. Breaches in information security can have far-reaching consequences, such as the theft of company property, the disclosure of trade secrets, or the exposing of sensitive data. The authors claim that despite the growing awareness of the seriousness of information security breaches and their repercussions, there is evidence to show that companies are not sufficiently planning and preparing for cyber assaults. The article by Black (2019) suggests that it seems that big companies with plenty of money may afford to be careless about possible information security issues. Therefore, it appears that many top-level managers are not giving information security the attention and resources it needs or planning for possible security breaches.

Therefore, the findings from this article guide scholars and managers outside of information technology (IT) to better comprehend the complexities and unknowns associated with data breaches in today’s corporate world. The article shows that hackers only need to find a single vulnerability in an organization’s information security measures. The journal provides the limitations of the study. The authors found it difficult to obtain records for original data obtained directly from affected organizations to give more insight into the decision-making processes. The article achieves credibility since the authors aimed to provide actionable guidance for executives while they deliberated about spending money on information security. The authors suggested that future research should focus on expanding the conceptual framework of the strategic consequences of informational technology and security threats.

In conclusion, there are two distinct paths for the evolution of socio-technical systems: the conventional and the creative. Development in the traditional sense relies on tried and true methods of management, which often employ a top-down organizational structure. In addition, the dynamic nature of security breaches provides decision-makers with a new strategic challenge every time one occurs. Because of the gravity of the situation, top-level decision-makers must fully comprehend the myriad of aspects that contribute to the complexity of information security threats.


Black, R. (2022). . Fractional CISO – Virtual CISO. Web.

Dinger, M., & Wade, J. T. (2022). The Strategic Problem of Information Security and Data Breaches. The Coastal Business Journal, 17(1), 1.

Moiseeva, T., & Myatishkin, Y. (2021). . In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 101, p. 02021). EDP Sciences. Web.

Solovev, D.B., Savaley, V.V., Bekker, A.T., Valery I. Petukhov, V.I. Eds. (2019) Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference “FarEastCon 2019” Vladivostok, Russian Federation, Far Eastern Federal University. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 22). Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges.

Work Cited

"Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges." IvyPanda, 22 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges'. 22 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges." May 22, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges." May 22, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Socio-Technical Systems & Cybersecurity Challenges." May 22, 2024.

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