Spirituality is one of the integral parts of human beings as it forms their mentalities and value systems. For this reason, this issue has always been topical for societies. Having appeared at the rise of civilization as they attempt to create the basis for the further evolution and explain various phenomena, spirituality evolved into different forms and religions that became potent forces impacting the whole world and the formation of particular cultures. At the same time, because of the diversity peculiar to individuals, there are many perspectives on this topic and attempts to justify them. As for my concept of spiritual belief, I am sure that people need some higher creature who can direct their actions and promote a particular value system by his benevolent nature.
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This idea is also presented by Rene Descartes in his Meditations on First Philosophy. Being sure of the existence of a kind God that tries to help all creatures, he also introduces two proofs for his existence. First of all, the philosopher is sure that the presence of some supernatural power becomes clear from the concept of a supremely perfect being (Descartes, 2018). In other words, the fact of the existence of the universe proves the idea of God responsible for the creation of such ideal objects and things. People need some special beliefs to explain the fact of their living and their evolution. For this reason, Descartes’ ideas become applicable and can be used to prove the offered concept of spirituality.
Additionally, in Meditations, he offers another argument for the existence of God because of the observable effects of his activity. The visible world of objects, things, and living creatures exists in our Universe and evolves, which becomes an important element of people’s lives (Descartes, 2018). At the same time, all existing creatures need a particular orienting point that will guide their decisions and result in the formation of a value system needed for them to engage in cooperation and promote the further rise of societies (Descartes, 2018). That is why Descartes is sure that the existence of God cannot be doubted because of his contribution to the evolution of our world.
In such a way, Descartes tends to prove the existence of a higher creature, or God, who is responsible for the emergence and formation of particular spiritual beliefs in people who need it. This idea correlates with the concept of faith provided above. At the same time, the credibility of this source can be proven by the fact that Mediations are accepted by the majority of philosophers as one of the theoretical frameworks that can be used to cogitate about the nature of religion, spirituality, and people’s beliefs. Moreover, ideas offered by the thinker are used by many other outstanding ideologists to prove their assumptions.
Altogether, spiritual belief can be considered a particular set of assumptions that result from people’s value system that is formed under the impact of the belief in the existence of a supernatural creature, God, that directs their actions and guides them to achieve the desired states. Descartes also tries to prove a similar idea explaining the presence of God by the fact of our lives and world, which are created because of his benevolent character. The credibility of this source cannot be doubted; however, when speaking about religion, there is still much space for debates about the nature of faith.
Descartes, R. (2010). Meditations on first philosophy. New York, NY: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.