Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) in Dairy Cattle Essay

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Nutritious carbohydrates supply substantially over half of the energy required for dairy cattle maintenance, reproduction, and productivity. Glucose is the principal power source for numerous animal organs and is a substrate for the mammary gland’s milk protein production (Mukiibi et al. 2). As a result, knowing carbohydrate digestibility, nutritional glucose supply, and the role of gluconeogenesis in glucose equilibrium modulation is critical for manipulating agricultural food performance and efficiency (Mukiibi et al. 2). In addition, providing highly nutritious diets might accumulate organic substances in the rumen and decrease rumen cushioning capacity. This paper aims at reviewing the various literature review available on the clinical features of SARA. Additionally, the research looks into various treatment options for SARA provided by various authors to alleviate the problem and provide the rationale for future research.

Combining these alterations can result in a decrease in the stomach pH. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) develops when the rumen pH is reduced each day for lengthy periods (Zhao et al. 2). This condition harms feed consumption, milk composition, rumen microbiota, and rumen metabolism in dairy cattle and can result in gastroenteritis, rumen mucosal injury, cartilage destruction, erythema, and liver infections (Zhao et al. 2). Ruminal pH is critical for the rumen microbiota to function normally. Rumen pH values below the usual range of 5.8–6.5 over an extended time have a detrimental effect on microbiome function, cattle output, and wellness (Zhao et al. 3). Ruminal acidosis is a significant problem in the milking and feedlot beef cow industries, leading to economic losses owing to poor nutrient utilization and decreased animal productivity.

Literature Review

Due to the intensity of ruminal acidosis’s impact on animal performance through disturbance of the ruminal microbial ecology, numerous studies have been conducted to examine the characteristics of SARA. This literature review presents the various researches about clinical features that dairy cows present upon diagnosis of SARA. Studies have demonstrated SARA to have a detrimental effect on various milk production metrics, most notably milk fat composition. Humer et al. enumerated that alterations in milk concentration are a clinical feature of SARA (6). Thus, this is a significant worry, as a drop in milk fatty acids reduces the energy efficiency of milk, notwithstanding the increased milk output produced from high-grain feeds.

Therefore, milk fat content and the ratio of milk fat to milk protein content are frequently employed as indications of SARA and fiber shortage at the agricultural production due to the milk fat-depressing effect of low rumen pH. Low milk fat syndrome is characterized broadly as when the milk yield fat content of a herd is less than 3.2% in Holstein, Simmental, Ayrshire, or Shorthorn cows, 3.4% in Brown Swiss herds, 4.0% in Guernsey herds, or 4.2 percent in Jersey flock (Humer et al. 6). As such, SARA reduced and altered milk concentration in dairy cattle leading to poor milk output.

SARA has been associated with diarrhea and changes in the fecal output of farm animals. Wagner et al. insinuated that although the SARA has been widely reported as altering feces’ viscosity and physical properties, these changes are typically temporary (4). SARA is observed to induce brilliant yellowish feces with a sweet-sour odor (Wagner et al. 4). Additionally, feces may seem frothy with vapor bubbles and contain whole grain products and an excess proportion of unprocessed fiber. SARA may cause occasional constipation in dairy cows, and as such, diarrhea may be a worrying feature among owners (Wagner et al. 4). The size of feces fragments may be increased to approximately 1–2 cm rather than the average size of less than 0.5 cm (Wagner et al. 4). While feces pH is typically unrelated to ruminal pH, more excellent starch escaping the rumen during SARA can result in a mildly alkaline feces pH due to rising decomposition in the intestinal wall.

Additionally, Li et al. undertook a research to determine the feasibility of using urine analytes as markers of SARA, particularly urinary net acid-base excretion (NABE), urinary phosphate secretion, and urinary pH. All of these figures should be interpreted in the context of alterations in the physiological acid-base concentration in the circulatory system, rather than fundamental alterations in acid-base equilibrium in the stomach (Li et al. 5). Conversely, the primary tissue for base elimination in breastfeeding farm animals is the salivary duct, not the kidney (Li et al. 5). Salivary lobes of high-yielding dairy cattle are anticipated to discharge around 35 mol/day of saline buffers from the blood circulation (Li et al. 5). As a result, the prediction of ruminal pH based on urine acid-base factors is projected to be extremely low. To address this challenge in examinations, limits are frequently set to maximize precision at the benefit of responsiveness.

Lastly, apart from ruminal pH observation, portable bolus detectors frequently provide concurrent ruminal temperature control. In this light, Minami et al. studied the ability of ruminal heat to forecast a decrease in ruminal pH and, therefore, considered a possible clinical instrument for SARA (10). The justification for utilizing ruminal warmth as a proxy for SARA is that considerable quantities of energy are generated concurrently with short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) buildup and pH decline during vigorous fermentation periods. On the other hand, ruminal warming is also inextricably linked to total body warmth (Minami et al. 10). Minami et al. discovered a negative association between ruminal heat and pH and suggested that a ruminal warmth range of 39 to 41°C is crucial for SARA assessment (10). Therefore, higher ruminal temperatures of 39o to 41o, as discussed above, indicate SARA signs in dairy cattle.

A Review on Research to Define, Alleviate and Treat SARA

When farm animals ingest an excessive number of fast fermentable (non-fiber) polysaccharides, their ruminal pH falls below healthy ranges. The innate potential of each cow to cushion and assimilate acid dictates how much their ruminal pH will drop following a feed high in fermentable carbs. Ruminal acidification is a risk factor for both dairy animals and meat feedlot cows. While dairy cattle frequently consume more grass and fiber than beef crossbred cows, this is compensated by their significantly greater dry mass (DM) consumption. To achieve correct ruminal parameters and development, decomposition acid generation in the rumen must be matched with production acid elimination and equalization.

Contemporary descriptions of SARA are predicated on the pH of rumen fluid. This pH can be assessed after identifying rumen fluid, either with a gastric tube or by rumenocentesis, or by inserting in-dwelling pH monitors in the stomach of rumen-fistulated cattle (Kovács et al. 26). There is controversy over the detailed description of SARA, and there is also controversy about which rumen pH downturns are deleterious to dairy cow wellness and output. Kovács et al. found that rumen fluid measurements taken via a stomach tube and from the posterior chamber of the rumen via a catheter had a median pH of 0.35 and 0.33 pH (26). The values were more outstanding than rumen fluid specimens taken via rumenocentesis (Kovács et al. 26). As a result, they defined SARA by indicating that the pH parameters for abnormality indicative of SARA ought to be 5.5, 5.8, and 5.9 when rumen fluid measurements are drawn via rumenocentesis.

Various studies have provided techniques aimed at helping farmers and veterinary clinicians to alleviate and treat SARA. Humer et al. evaluated the link involving fermentation acid generation and the necessity for fiber in depth (230). As a result, Humer et al. suggested that feed additives may be beneficial in preventing SARA in cattle (230). While dietary absorbers cannot wholly eradicate the etiology of ruminal acidosis, they can assist in managing the condition. Sodium bicarbonate, the most often used buffer in farmed animal feeds, has been found to boost DM consumption and milk output fat levels (Humer et al. 230). Furthermore, the reaction to cushion feeding varies according to the sort of forage consumed and its structural characteristics. Additionally, stabilizers are likely to be more useful in diets with low levels of beneficial fiber (Humer et al. 230). Sustaining a stable rumen condition requires balancing lactate generation and lactate use by microorganisms that change lactate to less hazardous VFA. Increasing the use of ruminal lactate reduces the probability of ruminal acidosis (Humer et al. 230). Under certain nutritional circumstances, supplementation with particular fungal isolates may increase lactate consumption within the rumen.

By supplementing the diet with lactate or by employing lactate-rich feedstocks, the rumen’s capacity to react to rapid surges in anaerobic glycolysis may be enhanced. Microbials fed directly to the rumen may also be employed to offer a consistent stream of lactate (Humer et al. 231). Compared to more significant microbial concentrations, a combination of direct-fed microbial metabolites administered to the rumen of dairy cattle at the 1 by 105 dose enhanced maize digestion and ruminal pH (Humer et al. 230). Selenomonas ruminantium is one of the microorganisms responsible for converting ruminal lactate to fatty acids (Humer et al. 230). Malate appears to induce Selenomonas ruminantium to use lactate (Humer et al. 230). Dietary supplementation with malate as a feed supplement may be prohibitively expensive; however, integrating malate-rich forage variety may provide cost-effective malate insertion in dairy menus.

Additionally, the quantity and quality of meal options may be critical factors in the dietary treatment of SARA. Following diets, ruminal pH lowers, and the frequency of pH decline rises as meal frequency, and nutritional NDF content diminishes (Humer et al. 230). Cows appear to be highly adept at self-regulating their ruminal pH provided they have consistent and accurate exposure to the same total mixed ratio (TMR) daily (Humer et al. 230). Nonetheless, even brief periods of feed limitation might result in cows consuming massive meals. Humer et al. observed that departures from a regular nutrition plan by two to four hours significantly increased the likelihood of acidosis in crossbred cows (231). By feeding cattle a TMR rather than different diets, big grain meals are avoided, reducing the chances of acidosis. This finding is corroborated by Zhao et al., who discovered that administering concentrates in isolation from fodder, rather than the concentrate to forage proportion inside a TMR, was linked with increased metabolic problems (4). When fed a TMR, more management over the concentrates to forage balance of the meal taken by the cow is possible.

Finally, suitable feed bunk coping strategies are crucial for SARA mitigation even when biochemical fiber, particle size, and grain preparation are excellent. Bunk management methods that result in cows eating fewer, bigger meals more frequently may be connected with a higher occurrence of SARA (Khalouei et al. 150). Slug nibbling can be triggered by various circumstances, including constrained meal bandwidth, confined feeding, and an erratic nutrition pattern (Khalouei et al. 150). Inaccessible stall habitation, insufficient bed space, few TMR push-ups, and bunk rivalry all contribute to the difficulty of maintaining a well-regulated feed consumption. Therefore, an effective and appropriate feed bunk is essential in alleviating SARA on dairy cattle.


SARA is a critical factor in determining the wellbeing of dairy cows and the sustainability of dairy herds. SARA predominance develops as cows ingest more residual DM and feed with a higher grain content. Dairy farmers and dietitians confront an uphill battle in producing meals that maximize energy consumption and overall milk production while avoiding SARA. Ruminants have extensive and multifaceted processes for having a steady ruminal pH, complicating the nutritional strategy to SARA mitigation. Therefore, extensive research should be undertaken on sufficient ruminal cushioning, which encompasses nutritional and physiological buffers and is critical for SARA management.

Veterinary scientists should address this by ensuring their studies focus on the appropriate ratio of metal ions to ionic species and enough level of physical cellulose that cannot be dissociated from other nutrition constituents. Plaizier et al. enumerated that another critical part of SARA control is a strict restriction of swiftly fermentable carbohydrate consumption (490). Therefore, future investigations about suitable concentrations of chemical fiber that effectively digest grains and incorporate high fiber feed where necessary should be undertaken. The primary reason is that chemical fibers, though rarely used by farmers, have proven to help cows ingest small and regular meals consistently, thus reducing the prevalence of SARA.

Works Cited

Humer, E., et al. “Invited Review: Practical Feeding Management Recommendations to Mitigate the Risk of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cattle.” Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 101, no. 2, 2018, pp. 215-236.

Humer, E., et al. “Signals for Identifying Cows at Risk of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Veterinary Practice.” Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, vol. 102 no. 2, 2018, pp. 1-13.

Khalouei, Hamidreza, et al. “Effects of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Fermentation Products and Subacute Ruminal Acidosis on Feed Intake, Fermentation, and Nutrient Digestibilities in Lactating Dairy Cows.” Canadian Journal of Animal Science, vol. 101, no. 1, 2020, pp. 143-157.

Kovács, Levente, et al. “Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cows-physiological Background, Risk Factors and Diagnostic Methods.” Veterinary Station, vol. 51, no. 1, 2020, pp. 25-31.

Li, Fei, et al. “Rumen Bacteria Communities and Performances of Fattening Lambs with a Lower or Greater Subacute Ruminal Acidosis Risk.” Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 8, 2017, pp. 1-10.

Minami, Natalia Sato, et al. “Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Zebu Cattle: Clinical and Behavioral Aspects.” Animals, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-14.

Mukiibi, Robert, et al. “Transcriptome Analyses Reveal Reduced Hepatic Lipid Synthesis and Accumulation in more Feed Efficient Beef Cattle.” Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-12.

Plaizier, Jan C., et al. “Changes in Microbiota in Rumen Digesta and Feces due to a Grain-Based Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) Challenge.” Microbial Ecology, vol. 74, no. 2, 2017, pp. 485-495.

Wagner, Nicolas, et al. “Machine Learning to Detect Behavioural Anomalies in Dairy Cows under Subacute Ruminal Acidosis.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 170, 2020, pp. 1-7.

Zhao, Chenxu, et al. “Inflammatory Mechanism of Rumenitis in Dairy Cows with Subacute Ruminal Acidosis.” BMC Veterinary Research, vol. 14, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-8.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 22). Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) in Dairy Cattle.

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IvyPanda. (2022) 'Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) in Dairy Cattle'. 22 November.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) in Dairy Cattle." November 22, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) in Dairy Cattle." November 22, 2022.


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