Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation Report

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HR department is fundamental within an organisation. Reducing the size of the HR section by executive directors as alleged in the case is inappropriate. HR section properly prepares the concerned organisation to deal with the global environment and other business challenges through numerous avenues.

In this context, there are HRM practices that must be embraced in order to enhance the understanding that occurs amidst various departments and the entire workforce. HR section is integral to the success of any organisation as it fosters the integration of organisation’s departments and use of legal provisions to control issues of hiring and firing of employees.

Contextually, management strategies in organisations need to incorporate flexibility, especially in the management of manpower through the HR sections (Kumar, 2010).

This indicates why the HR function within the organisation should be retained and embraced. Human resource management, being the head management office, tends to monitor all business activities within a corporation.

HRM mangers have the task of cooperating with other junior officers within the corporation in ensuring that all business activities are carried out in line with the company’s rules and regulation (Amos, 2009). In every organisation, it is upon the HRM to employee experience throughout his or her lifecycle in the company.

Before hiring an employee, the HRM comes up with a mechanism of attracting skilled employees through a process known as employer branding. After the branding process, the HRM subject the employees or applicants through a recruiting process. This indicates why the HR function within the organisation should be retained and embraced; hence, the Executive Directors of this organisation should not do away with the department as well as its HR functions (Martin, Jackson & Fiona, 2010).

Identifying at least 3 ways HR activities support an organisation to meet its goals and business objectives

Contextually, the HR department is given an obligation to recruit and train employees for the organisation to meet its goals and business objectives. This is done to ensure quality and high level of professionalism among the recruited and existing employees. It is not in the line of duty for the HRM to appoint or approve employee recruitment.

After the onboard approval, the HRM then picks on to continue with the monitoring process throughout the tenure period. Salaries, performance appraisal, rewards and employee benefits are all approved by the HRM. Though the HRM is not in charge of the employee recruitment approval, it is given the powers of issuing employee tenure termination. This may be done without further consultation from the board of directors (Martin, Jackson & Fiona, 2010).

Secondly, in an organisation, there are other junior officers or departmental head that monitor and control all the activities within the department. Being that the HRM cannot be in a position of monitoring all the activities in the company field, it is upon the departmental heads to submit their departmental reports after a given duration.

It is after the report submission that the HRM is able to determine some of the weakness and strengths of every department within the organisation. Some of the departments within an organisation are; quality assurance department, accounting department, employee recruitment department and many others that will depend on the organisational setup (Martin, Jackson & Fiona, 2010).

Another way through which HR activities can support an organisation to meet its goals and business objectives includes the continuous assessment of the concerned employees. Before employee tenure is terminated in any given company, he or she is presented to the quality assurance department that oversees his or her overall performance record within the company. This is done through a process known as employee assessment or evaluation program; a program meant to enhance efficiency and productivity within the organisation.

The decision given by the HR department based on employee further cooperation with the company depends on the report submitted to HRM. In most cases, the HRM is always to blame for any challenge faced by an organisation though this may be a problem within one of the company departments. In this case, it is upon the HRM to carry out a reform process within that particular department.

Identifying at least 3 ways in which HR professionals support line managers and their staff

HR professionals can support line managers and their staff in diverse ways. They provide support on new ways to manage and motivate employees. All activities within a company though monitored by the HRM tend to follow a given procedure. Such procedures are established and embraced by the HR professionals (Decenzo, 2010).

A company procedure cannot be neglected or skipped because of the transitional reports from one department to the other that in turns gives support and give base for any decision made. Another support is in the decision making processes regarding the wellbeing of the workforce.

Decision-making is a process that requires the presence of all departmental heads and other company stakeholders (Decenzo, 2010). Another support is to ensure transparency and accountability within an organisation. HR professional(s) also support line managers and other staffs to emphasize on the aspect of effective hiring and compliance with the employment/labour laws.


Decenzo, D. (2010). Fundamentals of human resource management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Kumar, R. (2010) Human resource management: Strategic Analysis test and cases. New Delhi: IK International Pvt Ltd.

Martin, M., Jackson, T. & Fiona, W. (2010). Human resource practice. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 19). Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation.

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"Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation." IvyPanda, 19 Dec. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation'. 19 December.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation." December 19, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation." December 19, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Supporting the HR Function Retention Within the Organisation." December 19, 2018.

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