In the article proposed for consideration, it is proposed to take into account a new type of surveillance formed in the era of comfortable consumption and an abundance of devices. Surveillance is characterized as penetration into private life guided by different principles: consumer demand, interest, and security. Surveillance of one’s own relatives and friends in order to establish the facts of lies in everyday life seems to be one of the forms in which the new reality manifests itself. In a modern age tinged with both skepticism and technological progress and a sense of increasing risks, each of the consumers who contribute to the system can become a surveillance agent themselves. Risk and uncertainty are exploited by the creators of interactive devices for personal surveillance, who make money by sowing doubt in the minds of consumers. Opaque forms of information gathering justify their existence only insofar as they promise interactivity to the consumer. However, as a result, they encourage surveillance and investigation in a permanent life, which is only a normalization device for inadequate and disproportionate collection of information about each person by anonymous representatives of corporations.
The statement that it is the consumer who plays the last word in the choice of a product, determines the future and life of the brand with their choice, is true, however, only partly. In fact, such a statement is only a cover for the constant systematic collection of information about each person through the history of his searches and transitions in a web browser. The algorithm for collecting information through cookies works in such a way that a person entering cyberspace actually finds himself in a controlled space, in a closed system that only uses the information entered by people as a basis. This allows one to talk about the repressive policy of these surveillance systems, which dictate to a person their consumer behavior based on their desires. Surveillance is possible as an external system with which a person interacts, as an entertaining semblance of a show, and also as an encouraged control over each other, which, as a result, locks a person into a state of permanent surveillance of oneself and others.