Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems Essay (Critical Writing)

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The Intranet is a closed-off local system of file and information-sharing between the computers of an organization (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017). In practice, nearly all computers owned by a school are connected by Intranet. It is a safe and secure system, when compared to the Internet or the Extranet, but possesses its range of limitations, such as restricted or non-existent access to other systems. Some of the issues with the Intranet are the following (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017):

  • Unauthorized access by people other than Staff;
  • Physical breakdowns of different parts of the system;
  • User ignorance issues;
  • Maintenance and timely upgrading problems;
  • Force majeure events.

Unauthorized access by people other than the members of the staff team shall be managed by the installation of a competent authorization structure, which would include the use of a login and a password (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017). Also, the user would have to re-login every set amount of time (2 hours), to prevent access should the user forget to log out. The team would counter the potential for physical breakdowns of the Intranet by providing a doubling system to every critical component, which would prevent system shutdowns.

All users related to the Intranet would be taught to use the system, the software, and deal with common issues and problems on their own (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017). To prevent the local net from getting outdated, a schedule for timely maintenance checks and upgrades would be provided. It is estimated that the components of the systems should be replaced every 3-5 years. Lastly, the Intranet should be shielded against Force Majeure events, such as electrical system shutdowns, fires, floods, and other issues. The technical team will evaluate the options available to the school in regards to some of these possible eventualities.


Frazier, M., & Hearrington, D. (2017). Technology coordinator’s handbook (3rd ed.). Portland, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.

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IvyPanda. (2021, July 17). Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems.

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"Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems." IvyPanda, 17 July 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems'. 17 July.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems." July 17, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems." July 17, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Technical Solutions to Intranet Problems." July 17, 2021.

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