The combination of local food, conservation, and organic farming movements is beneficial for transforming food and environmental security and changing the ecosystem. Today, people are growing more crops on the planet than ever, with higher resource utilization and devastating environmental outcomes. Nowadays, agricultural goods are mainly produced for animals, transport, and non-food uses, while some vulnerable populations experience hunger. Therefore, changing the way of farming from agriculture to terraculture is vital for sustaining and improving food and environmental security systems (Foley). There is a need for a more sustainable and holistic approach in order to improve ecosystem. Using the powers and ideas of each industry interested in sustaining food and environment security makes it possible to shift from devastating agriculture to prospective terraculture.
Currently, a shift to terraculture can be an efficient way of solving numerous environmental problems and will help to restore natural resources. Primarily, the expansion of agricultural lands causes high costs for the environment alongside deforestation; thus, it is necessary to slow it to preserve soil (What is Terraculture?). Moreover, improving resource efficiency is crucial for avoiding issues; the smarter energy, water, and soil usage to grow plants and food (Foley). Resources proper allocation can help farmers avoid additional costs and harms they do to nature. Thus, it can be concluded that terraculture is an agricultural concept presuming the restoration of nature by implementing environment-saving tools.
The influence of terraculture supporters can change the habits of the citizens and, consequently, impact food consumption and production. In the United States, only 60% of food is planted for people; industries use the other 40% for feeding animals or biofuels (Foley). Additionally, the dietary habits of citizens affect the production on the farms – the more non-natural food people consume, the less natural food is cropped (Earth Day). Nevertheless, agricultural movements can suggest individuals plant their foods to eat healthier and contribute to promoting an environmentally-friendly lifestyle (What is Terraculture?). As a result, social movements can motivate people to lead a more conscious way of life to impact food consumption and environment preservation.
The promotion of waste minimization and doubling the productivity of existing farms are efficient means of terraculture expansion. Up to 40 percent of the world is wasted, which is caused by overgrowing food for non-human utilization typically not exposed to recycling; hence, it needs to be reduced (What is Terraculture?). The supporter of terraculture Jon Foley stated that tremendous opportunities are available to significantly boost food production without harming the environment (Foley). By doubling the efficacy of production, stakeholders can reduce the land used and increase food crops. Consequently, sustainability depends on food maximizing and land and resource minimizing strategies.
In summation, when united, activists can impact the severe issues in the world and bring positive changes. Together, terraculture supporters can suggest changes to their governments regarding the preservation of natural resources. Agriculture is a driver of biodiversity loss and land destruction; only a holistic approach, including a set of preventive measures, can save nature. It is estimated that by 2050 the global population will equate to 9 billion; individuals should unite in order to provide further generations with a safe environment. Hence, the world can be protected only by those who are ready to make changes and improve the surroundings they live in, subsequently ameliorating their own well-being.
Works Cited
“Earth Day: 5 Ways to Grow Our Way to a Better Future.” Rafi USA, 2016, Web.
“What is Terraculture?” Terraculture, 2021. Web.
Foley, Jonathan. “The Other Incontinent Truth.” TED, 2010, Web.