Alt-text is an essential part of image representation online since it is a vital component of HTML codes. In general, this piece is a sentence describing “an image’s contents or function on a webpage” while being used for greater accessibility for all people (Arcalea, 2019; Bureau of Internet Accessibility, 2017). The importance of this element is conditional upon its role in user experience and, more specifically, the ranks of resources (Tiwari, 2021). The following examples show how alt-texts alongside image descriptions contribute to a better perception of information.
Alt-Text and Image Description

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his wife and children in masks visiting the Canadian Federal Election of members of the House of Commons in 2021 to vote in Montreal, Quebec.

The artwork painted by Jackson Pollock on a fibreboard with liquid paints in grey, yellow, white, and brown depicts a bird’s nest. The piece is considered one of Pollock’s most significant images while is a part of a private collection in New York.

The artwork depicts twenty-seven birds on a tree as one of the pieces comprising a collection of paintings created by Jennifer Lommers. It is made in vibrant colors and offered as decor for walls, stationery, phone cases, and face masks.

The artwork of Chuck Pinson depicts a mansion decorated for a Christmas celebrations in Williamsburg, the former capital of Virginia. The canvases with it are offered for home decoration with historical scenes.
In conclusion, the consideration of images used for writing alt-texts and descriptions confirms the feasibility of these statements. These components facilitate the understanding of the context while being useful for grasping the meaning of the presented materials for specific purposes. In other words, they allow revealing the intentions of website content creators, whether they are related to sales or education, and efficiently underpin their messages.
Alt-text images. (n.d.) [PDF Document].
Arcalea. (2019). Why keywords, alt-text, and meta descriptions are important. Web.
Bureau of Internet Accessibility. (2017). Alternative text: What and why. Web.
Lommers, J. (n.d.). 27 birds. Fine Art America. Web.
Pinson, C. (n.d.). The governor’s party. Fine Art America. Web.
Tiwari, A. (2021). What is alt-text and why it is important for accessibility? Common Look. Web.