In relation to AutoCAD software, annotation as well as text aids in clarification and communication on the manner in which different types of information are displayed on drawings. Examples of annotation include dimensions, notes, and other types of cexplanatory symbols commonly used to add information in a drawing in relation to the AutoCAD software. Specifically, annotation objectives offer various information concerning a feature like the length of a wall and the diameter of a fastener, among others (Yarwood, pg. 62-6). In this sense, it means that annotation is more of an illustrator and acts to showcase all kinds of details-both small and big concerning a given drawing.
Additionally, annotation and text can aid the AutoCAD software developers to track and keep all the relevant information regarding the drawing, and in specific if it is a plain image. In other words, it means that annotation provides a clear view in terms of specific details on all information associated with the drawing in question. In some other situations, an annotation aids in communicating drawing design intent as far as AutoCAD software drawing is concerned (Yarwood, pg. 52-9). Besides, annotation is well seen in form of hatching which means highlighting a design intent, which is imperative in describing among other details of drawing such as the physical size of the item and block notes for a given column, among others.
In conclusion, it is evident that annotation as well as text aid in proper clarification and ensuring communication is realized specifically in the manner that drawing associated with AutoCAD software is concerned. Furthermore, and from the discussion, one can identify that annotation aids in offering details supposed to ensure clarity on side of AutoCAD drawings.
Work Cited
Yarwood, Alf. Introduction to AutoCAD 2010. Routledge, 2010.