The information system for Bart’s Basic Boating is a relational database that is developed in Microsoft Access. The database is known as Bart’s Basic Boating database and is administered and maintained by Carol Barnes, Bart Canfield’s secretary. The database is designed to keep track of employee, inventory and sales records. A functional requirement of the database is that it will help Bart’s Basic Boating deal with the increasing volumes of data that it has kept track of. The rising volumes of data have been identified as a problem by Carol Barnes as they attract a lot of manual work. The database is built in Microsoft Access following Carol Barnes request as she has previous knowledge in the database management system.
Database schema and entity relationship diagrams
The following is the Schema of the database;
Inventory (Boat_ID, Make, Model, Type, Length, Horsepower, Year, Pur_date, Dlr_cost, Sold?)
INV_SALE (Sale_ID, Sale_Date, Boat_ID, Cust_Name, Sls_Price, S_ID)
SALESPERSON (S_ID, S_Name, Comm_Rate)

Schema explained
One of Bart’s Basic Boating information needs is monitoring of stock level. To respond to this need Bart’s Basic Boating database as the Inventory table. The inventory table offers description of the stock available, when it was purchased and its cost. From the table you are also able to determine what stock has been sold. Table 1 below gives a list of the fields in the Inventory table and their descriptions.
Table 1: List of fields in Inventory table and their description
Another of Bart’s Basic Boating information needs is keeping track of sales made by the company. The Bart’s Basic Boating database provides the INV_SALE table that helps the company effectively address this need. Table 2 below gives a list of the fields in the INV_SALE table and their descriptions.
Table 2: List of fields in INV_SALE table and their description
Another of Bart’s Basic Boating information needs is keeping track of salesperson records and the commission they accrue from sales done within in a given period of time. To keep track of such records there is the SALESPERSON table in the Bart’s Basic Boating database. Table 2 below gives a list of the fields in the SALESPERSON table and their descriptions.
Table 4: List of fields in SALESPERSON table and their description
Other objects that make up the database
On the basis of these tables a number of queries and reports have been prepared for varying purposes. Also in the database are forms, however, these are not prepared from the above tables. Table 5 below gives a list of other objects that make up the database and their purpose(s).
Table 5: Other objects in Bart’s Basic Boating Database