The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact Essay

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Particular professions involve significant risks to human health if adequate safety and professionalism are not maintained. In this essay, the problem of black lung disease will be discussed. In addition, specific conclusions, described in the article Kentucky Lawmakers Limit Black Lung Claims by Berkes and Becker (2018) regarding the laws concerning miners’ work, must be explored. Actions and policies to improve the situation with black lung disease are necessary because the lung and the cardiovascular system deliver oxygen to the human body.

The Black Lung Disease and Cardiovascular System

First, it is essential to emphasize that the cardiovascular system is a critical factor in the human body to deliver the necessary amount of oxygen. Therefore, the topic discussed in the article, Kentucky Lawmakers Limit Black Lung Claims, regarding the disease of black lungs is relevant to human functioning. In particular, it is important to emphasize that according to Berkes and Becker (2018), “black lung, the advanced stage of the fatal disease that strikes coal miners” (p. 2). Like the cardiovascular system, the lung’s task is exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide to support life (Stoicescu, 2019). However, this function is impaired during black lung disease and leads to critical consequences (Stoicescu, 2019). In addition, coal dust that the miner workers get during their responsibilities also harms the cardiovascular system. These facts are crucial in applying possible reforms for improving the working conditions of the miners, described in the article.

The Most Important Conclusion that can be Drawn from the Article

As the most important conclusion that should be drawn from this article, one should state that sufficient attention is absent to the problems with working conditions and laws regarding the miner’s profession. The disease of black lungs is critical to human health and poses a severe threat to their life (Berkes & Becker, 2018). Therefore, the government should listen to the opinion of pulmonologists and radiologists, and other professionals who can provide essential data on how to elaborate efficient laws to exclude this problem in the future.


In conclusion, it is important to stress that the issue of reviewing laws and the need to act on the problem of black lung disease is discussed in the article timely. This topic is critical and requires urgent action to improve the working conditions of miners. In addition, it is essential to emphasize that the lungs are one of the most important human organs, and their improper functioning can affect the whole body, including the cardiovascular system.


Berkes, H., & Becker, B. (2018). . Npr. Web.

Stoicescu, M. (2019). Medical semiology guide of the cardiovascular system and the hematologic system. Elsevier Science.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 24). The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact.

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"The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact." IvyPanda, 24 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact'. 24 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact." May 24, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact." May 24, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Black Lung Disease and Its Impact." May 24, 2024.

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