Interstitial Lung Disease
Interstitial lung disease refers to various chronic disorders that affect the heart. It causes damage to tissues of the lungs, inflammation of air sacs, and can lead to permanent scars on air sac tissues. Such scars cause stiffness of the lungs in the long run.
According to researchers, there is a high prevalence of lung diseases among people diagnosed with dermatomyositis (DM) and polymyositis (PM). It is contrary to the belief that people who suffer from DM and PM are not exposed to lung diseases. Interstitial lung disease can be detected in good time before typical symptoms become evident when physicians use pulmonary function tests and other computerized procedures.
Studies have shown that patients of DM and PM are exposed to almost similar risks, and the condition is hardly related to inclusion-body myositis. Besides, researchers have found out that amyopathic dermatomyositis patients are susceptible to lung diseases.
Medical professionals can determine the chances of myositis patients getting interstitial lung disease. For instance, patients who possess anti-Jo1 antibodies are perceived to be more likely to develop interstitial lung disease. Their risk percentage is believed to reach a high of 70 percent. Besides, their likelihood of getting a fever, mechanic’s hands, and arthritis are high.
It is important to detect interstitial lung disease early enough before the symptoms become more pronounced. This makes it possible for the application of treatment procedures that reduce the chances of the disease turning chronic. When interstitial lung disease reaches the chronic stage, it is referred to as chronic pulmonary fibrosis. Treatment is usually a complicated procedure and is determined by the type of patient (Interstitial Lung Disease, 2012).
Blurred Vision
Blurred vision, which is also called blurry vision, refers to the inability to see sharply. It may occur gradually or suddenly to one eye or in some cases, to both eyes. Blurred vision sometimes comes as a symptom of other conditions, diseases, or disorders that might start mildly and become serious later. It is caused by slight problems like wearing the wrong eyeglasses and nearsightedness. However, it can also be caused by trauma, inflammation, malignancy, infection, and other processes that are not normal. This requires individuals to discuss slight vision problems with relevant doctors.
Some slight vision problems can cause blindness as it happens with eye injuries. In some serious cases, death may occur when there is bleeding in the brain, and emergency medical measures are not taken. The blurred vision should not be taken for granted even when it appears to be temporary because it can lead to other complications such as hypertension, epilepsy, and stroke.
Blurred vision can start suddenly and go away within a short duration of time. This may for example happen when one tries to refocus on something that is far after being overexposed to the sun or after reading. It may also occur in form of sudden and severe episodes like the ones that result from head trauma. Slowly developing a blurred vision that portrays other symptoms may indicate the onset of cataracts. Any vision changes should be given the attention they deserve by visiting medical professionals because blurred vision may be the beginning of serious and deadly disorders (Blurred Vision, 2013).
Blurred Vision. (2013). Web.
Interstitial Lung Disease. (2012). Web.