One of the positive examples of companies that commit to corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices is the Lego Group. While there have been controversial views and criticism of some of the company’s activities, it can be argued that its commitment to CSR is seen in many of its practices. For example, the company has committed to making the pieces for its toys from plant-based materials, which is a significant step in transforming its production and packaging processes, resulting in an environmentally-conscious use of resources. The first plant-based pieces were produced and went on sale in 2019, and the company plans to introduce this production method to the full by 2030 (LexisNexis, 2019). Therefore, Lego’s environmental sustainability practices are integral to its ethical approach and commitment to social responsibility. In addition, the company leadership always aims to be accountable and transparent about its activities. This results in consumers and stakeholders remaining loyal to the company, which also increases its profits.
In turn, Nestlé can be considered as an example of a company that has a negative reputation regarding its commitment to CSR. For instance, this company has been widely criticised for the marketing strategies it had used to advertise its infant formula, claiming that it was better than mother’s milk. This statement has caused outrage from many health organizations around the world. Moreover, Nestlé has been criticized for “undermining human rights to water” by taking and bottling a significantly larger amount of it than it was permitted to by the government (Corporate Accountability, 2016). These and other unethical practices have led to the fact that many consumers and stakeholders have lost trust in the company. Even the recent efforts Nestlé has expressed to increase its CSR commitments were met with distrust, skepticism, and hostility.
Two companies discussed above demonstrate examples of practices that can be considered as following the CSR practices and neglecting them. Lego’s commitment to CSR can be seen in its environmental sustainability plans and actions, as well as in the fact that the company tends to be transparent about its strategies and practices. At the same time, Nestlé can be regarded as an example of a company that does not pay sufficient attention to CSR because it has performed unethical operations, such as acquiring more resources than allowed.
Corporate Accountability. (2019). Statement: Nestlé’s shady CSR won’t clean up its filthy image. Web.
LexisNexis. (2019). Lego! Building a model CSR strategy. Web.