Medical care has always been attracted by its role to the society. Men and women have used to choose the profession according to their likes. Gynecology has always been considered as the female profession and men were not allowed to have the practice in the discussed field. The perception of men in the gynecology is different and it is impossible to say explicitly whether it is positively or negatively perceived in the society.
Men have always been doctors, and also gynecologist (Waters 12). This was later, when women have come to the profession and the consideration appeared that men are not those, who should be the gynecologist and that women were the first, and men has entered it later. Men have usually been considered as the best professionals in the sphere of gynecology, but there are women, who do not trust them and prefer female doctor. There was time when men were not likely to become the gynecologists, as the stereotypes were so broadcasted, but still, now for about 60% of gynecologists are men (O’Lynn and Tranbarger 255).
To consider the difference between male and female gynecologist, it should be mentioned that women are trusted more as they can be explained the background of the situation, as women may talk sincerely and will always be understood. The situation with men is different, most women cannot tell men about their personal problems and the treatment may be wrong. The inability for the male doctor to get the symptoms right leads to wrong treatment and the women dissatisfaction, that may lead to the refusal to come another time.
There are no any evidences about any gender superiority, all depends on the knowledge and the desire to be the best. The stereotypes are so high that men are considered to be bad doctors only because of their gender belonging. Furthermore, there is the opposite opinion that male doctors are more careful and attentive. All these are stereotypes and the knowledge possessed during studies and practice should be the only activities about the professional qualities. Men and women are given the same knowledge at the Universities and to consider this or that gender as dominant in the medicine is wrong.
There are a lot of situations, especially with new patients, who refuse to be treated by the doctor only because of their gender. The first step should be provided, that is the conversation. If the person is impossible to convince, it is better to give the patient to the other doctor. The same deals with the race, if the convincing is not effective, the other doctor should take up the patient. We live in the free country and people have the right to choose the doctor, where they are treated.
So, the gender in the gynecology does not influence the quality of treatment, this is all personal bias that prevents to perceive the other gender doctor. Men are the biggest part of the doctors in the country and a lot of people trust them. In the case of personal inability to be treated by the opposite gender person, the other doctor should be turned to.
Works Cited
O’Lynn, Chad E. and Tranbarger, Russell E. Men in nursing: history, challenges, and opportunities. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2006.
Waters, Sophie. Seeing the Gynecologist. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2007.