In the television historical drama Life Story: The Race for the Double Helix, 1989, James Watson and Francis Crick, both molecular biologists at Cambridge University, made a historic discovery that led to the establishment and revolutionization of microbiology. The two combined their intellectual and research talents and gathered the necessary materials to aid in creating a model. Using an X-ray image, they interpret that DNA has a double helix shape where they accurately construct a model representation that won the Nobel Peace in1962.
The institutional setting of the Life Story: The Race for the Double Helix historical drama is research. Watson joined Cambridge as a researcher while Crick was working on a hemoglobin project, although his wish was DNA. The two easily bond when Crick argues that genetic code is found in DNA, not in protein, as some research alleges. Watson agrees with him, and they both abandon the assignments and focus on research and building the DNA structure model. They finally have a breakthrough by discovering the DNA structure.
Watson and Crick are independent; they come up with the idea of building a DNA structure on their own. They are both confident; they believe in their capability to achieve their target. Watson and Crick are also determined to achieve their goals. They tirelessly work hard until they come up with a DNA model.
Chadarevien argues that the image of Crick, Watson, and the double-helical DNA model has a great significance to the discovery. It recreates exciting memories of the entire research process; the images of the two researchers and the DNA model give a glimpse of the beginning of the new science of life. The image signifies the achievement and origin of the modern study of genetics. It also provides the research’s account, reinforces its historical impact on science, and is an iconic symbol of iconic discovery.
Chadarevian, Soraya de. “Portrait of a Discovery.”Isis 94, no. 1 (2003): 90–105. Web.
PART 1 – LIFE STORY: The Race for the Double Helix [1/2] Staring Jeff Goldblum & Tim Piggot-Smith. Studio Hamburg Enterprises, 1989. Web.
PART 2 – LIFE STORY: The Race for the Double Helix [2/2] Staring Jeff Goldblum & Tim Piggot-Smith. Studio Hamburg Enterprises, 1989. Web.