The “Erin Brockovich” Film by Steven Soderbergh Essay

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Inequality exists everywhere, and it is impossible to escape it. The problem of stereotyping is constantly discussed in media through films, TV series, and even music. Films about independent and autonomous characters are always motivating, especially when they focus on individuals disadvantaged by society. In Erin Brockovich, Steven Soderbergh has taken on the biography of a woman with two failed marriages and three children, whom she raised despite financial difficulties. The film illustrates how a significant potential for society’s benefit can be hidden behind the problems of social inequality.

Problem Statement

The film centers on the story of Erin Brockovich, a single mother with no job and no professional qualifications, disregarded by society. Despite her attractive appearance, Brockovich struggles to find a job that will help her cover her bills and debts. The film draws attention to the lack of help in finding a job for women like Erin, who are forced to deal with a difficult financial situation while also fulfilling their maternal functions.

The population of single mothers in the United States is highly exposed to the risks of poverty and homelessness due to a lack of support and negative stigmatization in society. Some people believe that single mothers impose a threat to married women and their families and perceive them as potential husband stealers. On the other hand, men often view single mothers as rejected women and consider children from first marriages as a barrier to relationships.

The negative stigmatism of single mothers in society leads to negative outcomes for both women and their children. More than 20% of the homeless population in the United States is represented by single women and their children (Make Mothers Matter). Furthermore, there is a steady growth of families where mothers fulfill the role of the single parent. Secure attachment with both parents contributes to positive social behavior and cognitive development in children, while the nation’s future is built on future generations’ well-being. Thus, the reduced proportion of nuclear families in the future will leave a significant negative imprint on future generations.


More effective government support for single mothers could significantly help to improve the situation. For example, in the film, Erin had to leave her children under the supervision of her boyfriend while she was at work, putting them in danger (Erin Brockovich). If Erin could leave her children in a safe place for free, she would be more likely to find a job earlier without experiencing financial hardships.

Providing unemployed single mothers with more opportunities for developing career skills can also help in solving problems with social inequality. Lack of professional qualifications prevented Erin from getting a job in a place with more suitable working conditions for single mothers. Thus, attending free professional development classes could help Erin start a career in a higher position.

Lastly, addressing the problem of stigmatization of single mothers in society will significantly contribute to the solution to the problem of single mothers’ vulnerable position in society. In addition to several economic difficulties, single mothers experience excessive pressure on their mental health, which can adversely affect the development of their children. Thus, the promotion of a positive image of single mothers and financially independent women will reduce the negative pressure of society on single mothers.


Erin’s story demonstrates how social inequality prevents women from reaching their potential to become economically independent. Similar stories about women’s success are often circulated in the media to encourage other women to become more independent and motivated to achieve personal goals. Lastly, people in modern society must start rejecting social stereotypes and treating all people equally, prioritizing collaborative efforts to achieve benefits for society.

Works Cited

Erin Brockovich. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, performance by Julia Roberts, Universal Pictures, 2000.

Make Mothers Matter. . Make Mothers Matter, 2020. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, September 5). The "Erin Brockovich" Film by Steven Soderbergh.

Work Cited

"The "Erin Brockovich" Film by Steven Soderbergh." IvyPanda, 5 Sept. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'The "Erin Brockovich" Film by Steven Soderbergh'. 5 September.


IvyPanda. 2023. "The "Erin Brockovich" Film by Steven Soderbergh." September 5, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "The "Erin Brockovich" Film by Steven Soderbergh." September 5, 2023.


IvyPanda. "The "Erin Brockovich" Film by Steven Soderbergh." September 5, 2023.

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