Society and environment play a vital role in the life of any human being. Since ancient time, people understood that to be a human being a person should be a part of society. That is why great importance obtains the issue of socialization. It is a process by which children and adults learn from others (“What is the socialization process?” para.1).
Usually, this process starts at the early stages of development of a human being, as its further existence in society is impossible without the skills obtained due to this process. Only being surrounded by people, a child can learn a lot about the world, peculiarities of its functioning and norms of behavior accepted in society. However, being deprived of any contacts with other people and the external world, a person will be stopped in its development and will not become an adequate human being.
Genie, the feral child, can serve as the best evidence for this statement. She became a phenomenon in the world of science. Genie had been a victim of inhumane treatment and social isolation for 12 years. Her father isolated her from society, keeping her in a closed room and allowing no one to contact her.
It goes without saying, that Genie had achieved a great number of different abnormalities. She was not able to speak properly. Moreover, she did not know some obvious patterns of behavior in society. She was not able to use the toilet, control her slobbering and some other natural impulses. Her development stopped at the age of 1 year.
Having so unique background and abnormalities, Genie became the object of keen interest. Scientists have always been arguing about the importance of the environment for the upbringing of a person. Genie became the best candidate for different researches. She was grown in total isolation, that is why it is obvious that a great number of different scientists all over the world wanted to work with her.
Moreover, it is possible to say that the main aim of different experiments and methods applied to Genie was not to help or cure her but to investigate her case and make some sensations in the world of science. There was hardly another object in the world, which could provide such a great number of possibilities for researchers. A great number of different conflicts connected with Genies guardianship were admitted. To be her guardian meant to be close to the object of investigation and this fact could guarantee success.
The decrease of the interest to Genie, connected with the termination of government financing, can serve as the best evidence to the statement that Genie was much more likely taken as the object of different researches than as a patient. In a greater or lesser degree, due to this fact, Genie did not recover. Moreover, with the termination of financing and refusal of her guardians to look after her, Genies state became even worse and her further destiny is unknown.
Having analyzed the data, it is possible to come to a certain conclusion. There is no use denying the fact of a great influence of the environment of a person on his life and socialization. Moreover, this process is extremely vital for the development of a human being as only successful and timely socialization can guarantee a childs formation. Genies life can serve as the best evidence for this statement.
Works Cited
What is the socialization process? Web.