The human society has developed throughout centuries, and it is possible to trace some characteristic features of certain periods. For example, feudalism was a peculiarity of the Middle Ages while absolutism prevailed up to the 19th century (Held, 1995). Nationalism was a peculiar feature of the 19th century, which led to numerous wars and the development of new states (Held, 1995). The modern era also has its characteristics. It is possible to note that the main pillars of modernity are globalization, violence, and law. The film In a Better World (2010) can be regarded as an illustration of the three pillars mentioned above as these points are central.
Globalization is often seen as one of the major peculiarities of modernity. At that, it is necessary to note that people have always moved from one state to another, but the pace of this process was almost insignificant compared to the 20th century (Giddens, 1996). Globalization is depicted in the film in question in a number of ways. First, Anton is a European doctor working in Sudan (Bier, 2010). More so, it seems that there is nothing special about it as people are already accustomed to commuting between the two countries.
The view that distances are irrelevant is one of the major signs of real globalization. A new pupil from a different country cannot be a surprise in any country. It is necessary to note that globalization is a positive change as it helps humanity evolve. People may share knowledge and help each other to build a truly global human society where major values reign. Thus, a European doctor helps African people while Africans also provide various lessons to learn.
Another pillar of modernity is violence. It has many forms and facets. The pillar of violence or resistance to violence also drives humanity to new achievements or some changes. It is necessary to note that there can be different words for this, but violence is an inevitable part of people’s life. For instance, Giddens (1996) states that militarism has been one of the most important features of human society.
The researcher focuses on the concept of global violence. In western countries, it can be traced to school in the form of bullying. In the movie, Elias is a victim who learns how to resist bullies (Bier, 2010). Violence is also present in such forms as the criminal activity as well as conflicts between states. When it comes to African countries, violence takes the form of the conflict between different groups. It is clear that violence causes a lot of distress and sorrow. Thus, Anton works in a refugee camp as people have to flee from violence (Bier, 2010).
The film unveils some views on the way to address violence. On the one hand, people believe that violence leads to violence, and it is crucial to stop the vicious circle. On the other hand, some claim that violence can be a way to protect oneself from more violence (Bier, 2010). The fact that Anton allowed local people to kill the warlord and Elias is committed to punishing bullies shows that the filmmakers believe that violence is the only option to avoid more violence.
One of the ways to address the issues related to violence is the development of laws and regulations. The law can be regarded as one of the pillars of modernity. Held (1995) notes that people have always tried to develop laws that would govern their life. Societies and states developed, and the modern world order was created (Held, 1995). People’s desire and even need to have regulations are also depicted in the movie. Importantly, the filmmakers focus on moral and ethical norms. Thus, Anton tries to show that there is always a way to discuss problems rather than start a fight (Bier, 2010). He tries to show that there are some moral norms to follow. At that, moral regulations do not work in that case.
The law also fails to work in Sudan where military groups create chaos and cause a lot of sorrow to the entire country. As has been mentioned above, the filmmakers show that the modern world has some regulations, but violence seems to be the highest order even though it can be hidden behind some norms. Giddens (1996) also notes that militarism (which is another word for violence) can be regarded as a driver of change and development since it led to the creation of new states and new political, as well as social, agendas.
In conclusion, it is possible to note that the main pillars of modernity are globalization, violence, and law. These concepts are often interconnected as the law is a form to address violence while violence is often a product of globalization that has all tools to eliminate it. However, it is also necessary to stress that things are unlikely to change in the nearest future. People are still unprepared to work and cooperate as they are still led by their desires and wants. Violence will still be a part of people’s life. However, it can help people understand what is really important. Globalization is another tool that can help humanity as people will share ideas, and they will be able to create a better world.
Bier, S. (Director). (2010). In a Better World. Hvidovre, Denmark: Zentropa.
Giddens, A. (1996). The consequences of modernity. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Held, D. (1995). The development of the modern state. In S. Hall & B. Gieben (Eds.), Formations of modernity (pp. 71-127). Oxford, UK: Open University.