In the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly relevant in all areas of life. Smart technologies emerge in various industries, providing new opportunities for development, academic research, and the creation of more convenient and efficient devices. In general, AI refers to “intelligent computer programs” that can be used to enhance the productivity of machines and electric appliances (“Artificial intelligence,” 2020).
For instance, experts utilize AI programs to implement speech recognition, smart navigation, and automated processes in devices (“Artificial intelligence,” 2020). In these cases, AI is necessary because machines need to adapt to unique environments to execute these features. For speech recognition, the device must differentiate between various sounds and match them to the user’s input (“Artificial intelligence,” 2020). For smart navigation, the machine needs to examine the layout of the building, develop a map, and adjust its processes accordingly (“Artificial intelligence,” 2020). Ultimately, artificial intelligence is the most appropriate method to implement innovative features and make flexible devices that can make decisions based on the user’s input.
AI in Home Appliances
The market of home appliances is one of many areas where AI can be particularly beneficial. At present, smart home systems, robot vacuum cleaners, AI television, automated cooking, and other features are accessible to people globally (Berry, 2021). These innovations are generally more efficient and convenient than their traditional alternatives. For instance, AI-powered television can assess the user’s preferences, provide additional features, such as voice control, and improve the overall experience for customers (Berry, 2021). These features are available due to extensive academic research and efforts of manufacturing companies.
Cioffi et al. (2020) predict that AI and machine learning (ML) will become even more relevant in the near future as the technology becomes more accessible to more customers. Companies continue to expand the pricing ranges of products, meeting the needs of various demographic groups (Cioffi et al., 2020). As a result, even industries such as home appliances see a gradual increase in the number of customers due to the availability of AI technologies.
Robot Vacuum Cleaners Overview
Robot vacuum cleaners are automated electric devices used for dry and wet cleaning. Their most notable advantages compared to traditional models are smart navigation and full automation (Skinner, 2021). They benefit significantly from AI-related features, which makes them an attractive choice for people who do not have sufficient time for cleaning (Skinner, 2021). Most people prefer to spend less time on cooking, cleaning, and other home duties.
Hence, it is not surprising that robot vacuum cleaners are receiving more attention recently, particularly in developed countries among families with middle/high income (“Robotic vacuum cleaner market,” 2022). The market share of the innovation is expected to increase by approximately 20% each year in the 2020s (“Robotic vacuum cleaner market,” 2022). In summary, robot vacuum cleaners might substitute traditional models in most households in the near future.
Considering the functions, robot vacuums are generally designed for dry cleaning, with hybrid models being an innovative exception. This feature will be discussed in greater detail in the subsequent chapters on the example of the EUFY G20 Hybrid. Additional functions include a quiet mode, various levels of suction power, anti-scratch to minimize damage to surfaces, and sensors to avoid falls and obstacles (Smith, 2022). The prices range from approximately $100 to thousands of dollars for advanced models (Smith, 2022).
For instance, ECOVACS DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI costs approximately $500 and has the functions of a hybrid robot vacuum, enabling wet cleaning (“ECOVACS,” 2022). Moreover, it captures the cleaning process on video, has an innovative laser mapping AI feature, and has high suction power for dry cleaning (“ECOVACS,” 2022). However, it is an example of a higher-range robot vacuum, while the lower-range products are relatively affordable, making them an attractive choice for many households.
EUFY G20 Hybrid Overview
The current report primarily focuses on the high-tech product – EUFY Smart Hybrid Robot Vacuum Cleaner G20 (2 in 1) – to explain the specificities of robot vacuum cleaners and hybrid models. This innovative technology comprises the benefits of sweeping and mopping, resulting in effective cleaning procedures. The EUFY series of hybrid vacuum cleaners is one of the most popular choices in the market, and the company offers products in various pricing ranges (Smith, 2022). This variety allowed EUFY to become one of the most notable manufacturers of this innovative hybrid technology.
In particular, the EUFY G20 Hybrid (see Figure 1) is a relatively cheap option (SAR899 ~ $240) within the series that possesses all the primary functions and advantages of a hybrid vacuum cleaner.

The essential elements of the high-tech product include a digital broom (dry cleaning), a mop (wet cleaning), specialized software, and a charging base (“EUFY smart,” 2022). It has a large number of additional features, such as a quiet mode, smart dynamic navigation, and BoostIQ technology to differentiate between surfaces (“EUFY smart,” 2022). One significant disadvantage of the vast majority of hybrid vacuum cleaners is that they function only on a hard surface (similar to traditional mops), resulting in poor effectiveness if the user has many rugs and other textile products on the floor (“EUFY smart,” 2022). Ultimately, the EUFY G20 Hybrid is an appropriate choice for a hybrid vacuum cleaner within the average pricing range.
Technology Uncertainties
The current chapter describes the primary challenges of introducing innovative products to the market. The three major types of obstacles are market, technology, and competitive uncertainties. The problems emerge because customers are reluctant to buy new products that have yet to prove their effectiveness, popularity, ergonomics, and other crucial parameters of innovations. In this context, market uncertainty generally implies users’ concerns about the unpredictability of innovations and whether new products will become widespread (Algotsson & Öhlander, 2020).
The technology uncertainty primarily reflects customers’ fears about the practicality and functionality of the high-tech product (Algotsson & Öhlander, 2020). Lastly, competitive uncertainty or volatility emerges because companies have not had sufficient time to test various marketing strategies and innovation variations. These issues create notable challenges for competitors that must implement intelligent product differentiation plans and additional technological developments.
Market Uncertainty
In the context of hybrid robot vacuum cleaners, market uncertainty is a critical obstacle for manufacturers. Most reviewers note that customers have a vague understanding of the difference between autonomous vacuum cleaners, robot mops, and hybrid models (Moscaritolo, 2022; Smith, 2022). This uncertainty in the products’ primary objectives and lack of established standards is particularly notable for hybrids.
For instance, a recent report shows that the robot vacuum cleaning industry is developing rapidly and is predicted to achieve a $15.4 billion revenue by 2028 (“Robotic vacuum cleaner market,” 2022). However, the popularity distribution between the different types is unbalanced, with more established robot vacuum cleaners for dry cleaning being the most dominant choice. As a result, the primary source of market uncertainty for EUFY G20 is that it is a hybrid model with the benefits of both dry and wet cleaning, and this innovation is still not widely accepted by customers.
Relative Effectiveness of Hybrids
Consequently, since it is the newest type of autonomous robot cleaner, there is little evidence concerning the effectiveness of the hybrid model. For instance, EUFY offers the 2-in-1 version G20 Hybrid for $299 and the regular G20 (only dry cleaning) for $279 (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022). The difference in price is negligible, and both types have relatively good reviews in the range of 4 to 5 stars (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022). However, as the independent research shows, the mopping function of hybrid models is significantly less efficient compared to steam mops and traditional cleaning (Redmile & Forte, 2022). As a result, the negligible difference in pricing and a lack of proven functionality compared to alternatives create critical market uncertainty.
Pace of Adoption
The pace of adoption is another essential factor that might enforce the customers’ perception of the product. There is an insignificant amount of research about the speed of adoption, but this parameter is seemingly positive for hybrid models. For instance, in the top ten of robot vacuum cleaner best sellers on Amazon, there are five hybrid models on #3, #5, and #8-#10 ranks respectively (“Best sellers in commercial indoor robotic vacuums,” 2022). EUFY is one of the innovators in the industry, so it is expected that loyal customers are eager to try new products (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022). Nevertheless, it is a positive trend for technology overall, and it slightly mitigates market uncertainty.
Technology Uncertainty
Consequently, it is essential to discuss the primary technology uncertainty that arises from customers’ concerns about the practicality and functionality of the product. As mentioned before, one of the problems is that the wet cleaning option of hybrid models is relatively inefficient compared to specialized steam mops and traditional manual methods (Redmile & Forte, 2022). Hence, demanding customers might perceive this feature as a significant disadvantage and choose tested robot vacuum cleaners for dry cleaning and use other devices for mopping.
Obsolescence Concerns
The second crucial concern that is relevant for hybrid vacuum cleaners is uncertainty over obsolescence. This factor generally refers to the customers’ worries that the present state of technology will become outdated in a short time (“Introduction to the world of high-technology marketing,” 2022, personal communication). It is a relevant issue for EUFY G20 for several reasons. First, this hybrid model was one of the first in the G series, with newer options, such as G30 Hybrid, being more suitable to the needs of most customers (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022).
Secondly, the technology of wet cleaning is not yet perfected – customers criticize the necessity of manually changing the mop cloth (Redmile & Forte, 2022). It is possible that manufacturers will continue to experiment with the material of the cloth, automated cleaning methods, and other innovative features to mitigate this issue. As a result, the state of hybrid vacuum cleaners will continually improve, while the present models, including G20 Hybrid, might become outdated.
Competitive Uncertainty
Lastly, competitive uncertainty/volatility is a critical issue for most manufacturers in the industry. However, this issue is less relevant for EUFY since the company has a notable global influence and a good reputation for its high-quality robotic products (Redmile & Forte, 2022). In the list of Amazon best sellers in this category, EUFY takes the leading position with an automated Robovac 11S (“Best sellers in commercial indoor robotic vacuums,” 2022). As a result, competitive uncertainty is not a critical problem for EUFY.
Competitive Uncertainty in Hybrids
At the same time, EUFY is an innovator in the industry, and its new series of hybrid models has been relatively popular. EUFY’s hybrids have appeared in the ranking of Amazon Best Sellers, implying that customers are gradually accepting the new technology (“Best sellers in commercial indoor robotic vacuums,” 2022). Ultimately, there are several relevant competitors in the industry, but EUFY is in an overall favorable position, and customers are confident in the products of this company.
Adoption and Diffusion of the Technology
Adoption and diffusion of innovations is a method that analyzes the primary determinants of customers’ buying decisions and predicts the profitability, spread speed, and viability of the examined product. In this context, understanding the mentality and purchasing process of high-tech customers is crucial to succeeding in the innovations market. Hence, the current chapter thoroughly examines customer adoption decisions and the present adoption-and-diffusion stage of hybrid vacuum cleaners and EUFY G20 Hybrid.
Customer Adoption Decisions
First, it is crucial to evaluate the main drivers of customers’ buying decisions. There are six primary determinants of customer adoption – relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, benefits communication, and observability (“Understanding high-tech customers,” 2022, personal communication). Relative advantage designates the pricing difference between the functions of the high-tech products and a separate device.
In the context of hybrid vacuums, this factor concerns wet cleaning or mopping. As mentioned briefly before, the relative effectiveness of 2-in-1 models is lower compared to steam mops and traditional cleaning (Redmile & Forte, 2022). However, the difference in price between EUFY G20 ($279) and EUFY G20 ($299) Hybrid is a mere $20 (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022). Hence, the relative advantage is one of the primary strengths of hybrid models since they provide additional functions at a low surcharge.
Moreover, the product’s relative advantage directly relates to high observability and benefits communication. Namely, it is easy for knowledgeable customers to understand that hybrid models are basically equal to more traditional robot vacuums, but they have several additional features. It is essential for the adoption and diffusion of hybrid models because high-tech products generally struggle with communicating the benefits of innovations (“Understanding high-tech customers,” 2022, personal communication). The sales on Amazon prove this hypothesis, showing that G20 Hybrid (911 ratings) is more popular than its counterpart without a wet cleaning function (272 ratings) (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022). As a result, high relative advantage, observability, and benefits communication are substantial factors that increase customer adoption of hybrid vacuums and EUFY G20 Hybrid.
Neutral and Negative Factors
On the other hand, compatibility, complexity, and trialability are either stagnating or decreasing the speed of customer adoption. First, compatibility is still a relevant problem for robot vacuums globally. Developed countries, including the United States and Saudi Arabia, experience a gradual increase in the popularity of high-tech products (Skinner, 2021). However, even in the US, only 14 million households had robot vacuums in 2018, which is a minority of the whole population (Skinner, 2021).
Moreover, most countries, particularly developing regions, still prioritize traditional methods of cleaning, which do not require additional expenses and are more effective, albeit take significantly more time. These trends imply that compatibility is a disadvantage for hybrid robot vacuums since they are not widely accepted and contradict the social norms of house cleaning in many countries.
Complexity and trialability are more neutral factors, and there are several possible perspectives on this topic. Namely, hybrids require more maintenance compared to most robot vacuums. The inconvenience of constantly changing the mopping cloth is an inevitable problem of hybrid models at the current stage of technological progress (Redmile & Forte, 2022). However, using a 2-in-1 model is less complex than purchasing additional equipment for wet cleaning. Hence, it depends on the perception of individual customers and their priorities in time/effort investment for house cleaning. This characteristic directly relates to the consumer’s paradoxical relationship concept. Lastly, trialability is a neutral factor since it is relatively easy to try a hybrid model if customers decide to buy a robot vacuum – they only need to pay an additional $20. However, they still need to purchase the whole product, which might be expensive for the general population.
Adoption-and-Diffusion Stage
Based on the present analysis, it is safe to assume that robot vacuums are gradually becoming more popular, and hybrid models are likely to follow the same pattern. In this sense, the companies in the most developed countries that prioritize high-tech products have entered the mainstream market and focus on the early majority (“Understanding high-tech customers,” 2022, personal communication). The statistical data and the rapid growth of the robot vacuum share in the market support this notion (“Robotic vacuum cleaner market,” 2022; Skinner, 2021). However, most developing countries are still in the early market.
For instance, the report by Zhang (2022) estimates that while approximately 5% of households have an interest in robot vacuums in China, sales will drastically increase in the future. According to the forecast, growing GDP per capita and the disappearance of social gender norms in house cleaning will result in the rapid popularity increase of robot vacuums (Zhang, 2022). Ultimately, based on the data, it is safe to assume that even some developing countries will enter the mainstream market of robot and hybrid vacuums in the 2020s, according to the adoption-and-diffusion stage concept.
Whole Product Solution
Lastly, it is crucial to discuss the whole product solution. This concept generally implies that high-tech products should provide end-to-end services to customers (“Understanding high-tech customers,” 2022, personal communication). The primary problem of hybrid vacuums and EUFY G20 Hybrid is the necessity to purchase and substitute mopping cloths. This drawback interrupts the customer’s seamless experience and, as a large number of real-life reviews show, is one of the primary sources of discontent among consumers (“EUFY: Robovac,” 2022). Hence, compared to most robot vacuums, hybrid models lack some elements of the whole product solution since they require additional purchases (when the mopping cloth becomes unusable) and more regular maintenance.
The current report has thoroughly examined the market of hybrid robot vacuum cleaners and the details concerning the EUFY G20 Hybrid, in particular. As seen from the analysis, the primary problems of the model include market and technology uncertainties that emerge from inevitable issues of hybrid devices. Namely, the two weaknesses are the necessity of additional maintenance and the relative ineffectiveness of wet cleaning compared to traditional cleaning methods. Moreover, three factors of customer adoption – compatibility, complexity, and trialability – are still relevant problems for most consumers. Despite the drawbacks, most forecasting reports indicate that robot vacuums and hybrid models will experience rapid popularity growth in the 2020s and might become a relevant cleaning option even in developing countries.
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