Justice is essential to management, as it allows for fair and equitable treatment of employees, customers, and other stakeholders. There are four distinct forms of justice that managers need to consider and practice to ensure fairness in their organizations: distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice, and informational justice (Carroll& Brown, 2022).
The Forms of Justice in Organizational Management
Distributive Justice
Distributive justice refers to how resources, rewards, and benefits are distributed within a company. Managers must ensure fairness in salary, bonuses, promotions, and other career opportunities. This form of justice ensures that employees receive the appropriate rewards and benefits for their work and are judged relatively against one another.
Procedural Justice
Procedural justice concerns the procedures used to make decisions and the processes used to handle disputes. Managers need to ensure that decisions are made unbiased and equitably and that the proper procedures are followed when resolving disputes. This form of justice ensures that everyone is treated fairly and that the appropriate processes are observed.
Interpersonal Justice
Interpersonal justice relates to how employees are treated by one another and by their managers. Managers must ensure that their employees treat each other respectfully and not discriminate based on race, gender, age, or any other protected characteristic (Gower & Scandura,2019). In doing so, they can create an atmosphere of fairness where everyone’s differences are acknowledged and respected.
Informational Justice
Informational justice involves how information is shared with employees. The concept of informational justice refers to providing employees with adequate and appropriate data (Carroll & Brown, 2022). Managers must ensure that staff members have access to all the pertinent facts and that conclusions are communicated plainly and accurately. This kind of justice helps to guarantee that employees are supplied with the information they need to make informed decisions and that they are apprised of any modifications or advances that could affect their jobs.
Fairness and justice are essential for creating a productive work environment. Employees who feel valued, respected, and treated fairly are more likely to be engaged and motivated (Sherf et al., 2020). Furthermore, when team members understand the methods and steps taken to reach conclusions and settle differences, they will likely be delighted and amenable to cooperate. Ultimately, equity and equity contribute to establishing a beneficial work atmosphere where personnel are inspired to do their best.
Carroll, A. B., & Brown, J. (2022). Business & society: Ethics, sustainability & stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.
Gower, K., Scandura, T. A. (2019). Management today: best practices for the modern workplace. SAGE Publications.
Sherf, E. N., Gajendarn, R. S., Posner, B. Z. (2020). Seeking and finding justice: Why and when managers’ feedback seeking enhances justice enactment. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Web.