The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children’s Development Essay

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The human body receives almost all the necessary substances with food and water. All vital functions of the body are related to nutrition. Improper nutrition can cause significant harm to human health at any age (Santrock et al., 2014). This is expressed in a decrease in physical and mental development, rapid fatigue, inability to resist the effects of adverse environmental factors. In addition, physical culture is a necessary factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The main recommendations that can be given to parents include proper nutrition, physical activity, and the establishment of a regime for the child. Regarding nutrition, it should be noted that parents should use only fresh food and minimize or completely exclude fried, spicy, over-salted, or too sweet food. It is recommended to choose a diet that will correspond to the individual number of calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for the child.

Physical exercises are an integral part of a child’s good and proper development. Sports and activity help strengthen bones muscles and contribute to the normalization of the work of internal organs. Moreover, it is crucial to observe a daily routine to help the child’s body develop. Properly selected regular sleep time, meals, sports, games will allow the body to grow faster and more correctly.

There is such a thing as cultural inequality, which consists of discrimination against minorities belonging to a particular culture. This inequality can be expressed as an obstacle to obtaining proper nutrition and the possibility of physical activity. Subsequently, this can damage the child’s normal development and have a negative impact not only on their physical condition but also damage them mentally. To eliminate inequality, it is necessary that heads of State carefully monitor the elimination of discrimination and invest in the development of institutions in which people belonging to different cultures would spend time together.


What can each individual do to eliminate discrimination?

The link is connected to the topic of the week because it gives recommendations on how to have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. Kurtz (2019) claims that social services departments disseminate information on properly developing healthy lifestyle rules for children. Parents and caregivers must be aware of the various possibilities of assistance in the correct development of the child. Parents and service providers can help each other, so they pursue a common goal. This goal is to ensure a healthy lifestyle for children and help them develop.


Kurtz, D. (2019). Importance of proper nutrition and physical activity in early childhood. South Dakota State University Extension. Web.

Santrock, J.W., Deater-Deckard, K., & Lansford, J. E. (2014). Child development (15th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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IvyPanda. (2023, March 8). The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children's Development.

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"The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children's Development." IvyPanda, 8 Mar. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children's Development'. 8 March.


IvyPanda. 2023. "The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children's Development." March 8, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children's Development." March 8, 2023.


IvyPanda. "The Influence of Improper Nutrition on Children's Development." March 8, 2023.

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