Introduction history of Aedes albopictus
Asian Tiger Mosquito whose scientific name is Aedes albopictus is an Asian mosquito and was recorded first in the year 1985 in the United States in Texas. The coming of Aedes albopictus has been associated with the diminution of the plenty and spread of the Aedes aegypti and yellow fever mosquitoes. Aedes albopictus is a proficient vector of many viruses like keystone, Cache Valley, Tensaw, Eastern equine encephalitis virus, and dengue fever. Among the above-mentioned viruses, there are only two that are known to cause diseases in human beings and these are Cache Valley and Eastern equine encephalitis. The life cycle of Aedes albopictus is closely related to the human environment and surroundings that are conducive for breeding like tires and containers with stagnant water. It feeds during the day and rests in shady areas like bushes or shrubs. It feeds mostly early in the morning and late in the afternoon; it is a self-seeker and hostile mosquito with many hosts that include wild animals, man, and domestic. Aedes albopictus is mostly found in the United States and North America (Center for Disease Control, 2009).
The first group of Aedes albopictus arrived into the Houston Ship Channel in the year 1980s through tire casings that are suitable for carrying mosquito larvae. It later extended eastward and northward of the United States since it is able to live in temperate-zone winters. Aedes albopictus was documented in Brazil in the year 1986 and currently, it is distributed in seven states in Brazil. It was introduced into the Republic of Dominican in May 1993 and in September 1993; it was established in Mexico and Coahuila State. Other areas that are infested with aedes albopictus include Tamaulipas, Nueve Leon, Cuba, Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Delta and Benue states in Nigeria, Anambra state, Enugu state and Italy among others(Donald, 2002).
Thesis statement
The distribution of the diseases caused by mosquitoes is reliant on the relationship among the vector/ species, pathogen and the surrounding/environment. Therefore, each component is of equal significance since each depends on the others. This research paper will focus on the invasion of Aedes albopictus, an Asian mosquito that has become more prominent and extremely harmful to the ecological system that they transfer to particularly on the coastal regions including Louisiana, which is highly susceptible to different types of animal and plant species invasion. Moreover, this type of mosquito is known to be a competent vector and an invasive species that is associated with more than 30 arboviruses some of which cause diseases in human beings (Brown, Cohnstaedt & Munstermann, 2009). People can protect themselves against mosquito-borne diseases by simply implementing simple methods to eradicate or prevent mosquito breeding places around their dwellings. However, so as to take appropriate measures, people need to first understand the dangers and the suitable steps to undertake. Therefore, it is an issue that needs to be addressed in order to highlight or recommend prevention or control methods of the transmission of diseases.
Description and life cycle of Aedes albopictus
Aedes albopictus has silver white and shiny black scales on the palpus and tarsi. Its back or scutum is dark with a white line running down the middle surface starting at the backplane of the head down to the thorax. Its limbs are black with white scales on each segment of the tarsal (United State Department of Agriculture, n.d).
Aedes albopictus is lively right through the year in subtropical and tropical surroundings. They lay their eggs beside the containers with stagnant water like tires, birdbaths, flowerpots, polythene bags, and natural holes on the ground or surface. The eggs hatch into larva after rains when the water level increases in the containers. Low oxygen levels motivate the hatching of the eggs and it’s more essential aspect than high temperatures or flooding on provoking egg hatch. The larva develops into a pupa after one to two weeks. Larvae or wigglers are known to be active feeders and they eat fine materials in the water. During inhalation, the larvae utilize a siphon to obtain oxygen; therefore, it has to rise to the ground or surface to breathe. Before pupation, the larva has to go through four stages or arthropods. Mosquitoes are different from other insects because during it pupae stage, they are active and live for a short period (Rios & Maruniak, 2009).
Mosquito-borne disease in Louisiana
The Summer climate in Louisiana, a coastal region, favors the breeding of mosquitoes especially the warm temperatures and humidity make the environment conducive for breeding. This type of mosquito adapts well to the climatic changes and environmental conditions in Louisiana. Louisiana has been faced with an increase in mosquito-related diseases both in the number of diseases present in the area and the number of individuals affected. Some of the contributing factors include increased development in trade and travel that has triggered the transportation or movement of pathogens and vectors worldwide. The temperate climate of Louisiana is appropriate for most of the vectors; therefore, it is easy for any species to grow when they are introduced there. In addition, the built surroundings or environment made by the Louisiana communities plays a major role in diseases transmission. People’s activities or actions can either encourage or discourage the breeding of mosquitoes (Enserink, 2008).
Climate change including heavy rainfalls and high temperatures leads to a suitable environment for mosquito breeding. High temperatures and heavy rainfalls relate directly to the rise or increase in aedes albopictus population because they are known to breed in stagnant water and high temperatures of water favors the breeding cycle. Moreover, mosquito breeds well in built environment and aedes albopictus is a good example of such mosquitoes. They utilize the man made containers in residential or urban areas as breeding places. Such containers include; tires, water storage containers, water vases, gutters, abandoned vehicles or tires and other containers (Enserink, 2008). Therefore, diseases caused by aedes albopictus are not new to the state of Louisiana.
Medical and environmental importance
Currently, aedes albopictus has become a major vector and has increased the concern of the public health officers due to its proficiency as a vector of arboviruses. It has been known to spread diseases from infected individuals to uninfected people. In addition, it is able to spread several types of pathogens to human beings and mammals. Under several study, aedes albopictus has confirmed to be proficient vector of many other viruses of public health importance in America. Aedes albopictus is a prospective vector of the outbreak of dengue. It is not yet clear what consequence this mosquito will have on the spread on vibrant in the Americas. In addition, aedes albopictus may influence the illness ability for yellow fever in Brazil by linking the ecological place between the urban and forest spread cycle. Aedes albopictus is know to be the most proficient vector of dengue virus and chikungunya virus and it is occasionally implicated with the spread of dengue in Asia. In 1991, aedes albopictus was involved in spread of eastern equine encephalitis in Polk Country, Florida. Symptoms of chikungunya virus include; headache, fever, muscle and joint pain, vomiting, rash and nausea. Dengue and chikungunya virus are rare diseases but fatal or serious. Moreover, aedes albopictus is associated with malaria and West Nile virus therefore, chances of double infections are very high. It is also known to discourage costal development especially in Louisiana, which is one of the costal parishes that is highly infested by this mosquito (Goddard, 2003).
Asian Tiger Mosquito, a day time feeder and aggressive mosquito is mostly correlated with heaps of old motor vehicle tires. It is also associated with dengue fever and yellow fever, and has been identified to be associated with LaCrosse encephalitis virus. Encephalitis is a disease that leads to inflammation of the brain. Symptoms of the disease may vary from mild to severe. Severe symptoms include; vomiting, mental disturbances (tremors, irritability, confusion, coma and stupor), severe headaches. In addition, severe conditions may results to death or patient suffering from eternal limb dysfunction, emotional instability and memory loss (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2007).
Prevention and Control
Bearing in mind that mosquito-borne diseases are dependant on the relationship among the vector, pathogen and the environment, therefore, it is possible to prevent and control the risk factors. First of all, people should reduce the amount of time spent outside between evening and morning when the mosquitoes are known to be most active. Secondly, all the doors and window should be screened and in good condition. In addition, individuals should utilize insecticide treated mosquito nets when sleeping especially the pregnant mothers and young children. Moreover, if one is to be outdoors for a long time, one should wear socks, shoes, long sleeved shirts and long trousers or skirts in order to cover all the body parts. The other thing is that people should spray their compounds with effective insecticides and maintain their compound in such a way that it does not act as an environment that is favorable for mosquito breeding. However, aedes albopictus are known to be more active during the day, therefore, one can greatly reduce them by; removing all types of container that store or hold stagnant water. Secondly, roof gutters ought to be maintained properly by avoiding fallen leaves and other foreign substances in order to avoid stagnant water collecting there. Thirdly, individuals dealing with tires should ensure that they cover them and keep them indoors or apply U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s insecticide to control mosquito larvae. In addition, all containers like tires, polythene bags, abandoned cars, drums and other containers that act as breeding sites should be eliminated (Illinois Department of Public Health, n.d).
Mosquito-borne diseases especially those caused by the aedes albopictus remain to be a great concern in America; preventive and control techniques applied at the community levels are very effective. In order to efficiently train people how to protect themselves and prevent disease transmission, it is very crucial to comprehend how individuals in the community perceive diseases caused by mosquitoes.
Works cited
Brown, U., Cohnstaedt, L. & Munstermann, E. 2009. Population Genetics of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) Invading Populations, Using Mitochondrial nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Dehydrogenase Subunit 5 Sequences Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 102(1):144-150.
Center for Disease Control. 2005. Information on Aedes albopictus Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases. Division of Vector-borne Infectious Diseases.
Donald, K. 2002. ”A Tiger Tale; Asian Tiger Mosquito. Science, 297 (5586):1445. Web.
Enserink, M. 2008. Entomology: A Mosquito Goes Global. Science, 320 (5878): 864- 866.
Goddard, J. 2003. Asian Tiger Mosquito. Physician’s guide to arthropods of medical importance. Web.
Illinois Department of Public Health. n.d. Asian tiger mosquito prevention and control. Division of Environmental Health. Web.
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 2007. Mosquito-Borne Illnesses Prevention Techniques.
Rios, L. & Maruniak, E. 2009. Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae). University of Florida IFAS Extension.
United State Department of Agriculture. n.d Animals – Species Profile. National Invasive Species Information Center.