The Issue of the Lateral Violence in Nursing Essay

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Leadership Vision in the Operating Room

Nursing focuses on providing care to individuals and families within the healthcare sector to ensure that they attain and maintain good health (Kelly, 2011). At the operating room, nurses provide essential support services to doctors to ensure the best outcomes for the patients ((MacPhee, Skelton-gree, Bouthillette & Suryaprakash, 2012). Collaboration relates to working together as a team or ensuring important support systems for the best service delivery by nurses (Curtis, de Vries & Sheerin, 2011). Lateral violence is a major issue in nursing. It relates to acts of bullying of junior staff members by the seniors. The act often hinders service delivery (Edmonson, 2010).

Significance of the Leadership Vision

A leader can help in addressing lateral violence by establishing proper communication strategies, a process that should be done in collaboration with all nurses, so that both new and old nurses can know what is expected of them in their day-to-day communication with each other. Violence may also arise due to cultural diversity and lack of a specialization and system assimilation plan. Hence, a leader has the role of developing these plans as a way of guaranteeing a smooth and peaceful nurse-to-nurse interaction.

Building your company’s vision

The above diagram reveals the composition of an excellent organizational vision. It shows the elements of the core ideology, namely core values and core purpose, whose execution enables a health facility to realize its envisioned future.

Factors that Influence Nursing Practice in the Operating Room

This section focuses on how leadership can be applied to promote collaboration, reduce lateral violence, and/or ensure that nurses are viewed as an elaborate part of health care at the organizational and societal levels. The whole healthcare sector is undergoing changes due to demands for better health care services by patients and the changing nature and complexities of health care needs, which must be considered to influence the practice at all levels. Leadership plays an important role in ensuring that the healthcare sector can wade successfully through these enormous changes. Leadership in the operating room will help to address differences that are witnessed between senior and junior nurses.

Lateral Violence

Lateral violence is defined as any nurse-to-nurse violence, incivility, or disruptive behavior that leads to an unpleasant work environment, which affects patient safety and hence the reputation of the healthcare organizations. When nurses’ self-esteem is affected by such violence, the results can be devastating to the patients and hence the reason why lateral violence should be addressed.

Forms of Lateral Violence

According to DeMarco and Roberts (2003), the witnessed nurse-to-nurse violence may be manifested openly in the form of quarrelling, extortion, or yelling among others. However, other nurses choose to do the vice secretly, for instance, by assigning unfair tasks to other nurses whom one has conflicts with. A violent nurse can also decide to give counterfeit information concerning another colleague with the view that the colleague will be exposed to disciplinary measures.

According to DeMarco and Roberts (2003), the witnessed nurse-to-nurse violence may be manifested openly in the form of quarrelling, extortion, or yelling among others. However, other nurses choose to do the vice secretly, for instance, by assigning unfair tasks to other nurses whom one has conflicts with. A violent nurse can also decide to give counterfeit information concerning another colleague with the view that the colleague will be exposed to disciplinary measures.

According to DeMarco and Roberts (2003), the witnessed nurse-to-nurse violence may be manifested openly in the form of quarrelling, extortion, or yelling among others. However, other nurses choose to do the vice secretly, for instance, by assigning unfair tasks to other nurses whom one has conflicts with. A violent nurse can also decide to give counterfeit information concerning another colleague with the view that the colleague will be exposed to disciplinary measures.

Using the Stanley/Martin Model to Explain the Impact of Lateral Violence

According to Bloom (2014), the Stanley/Martin model is a framework that summarizes the outcomes of oppression in the nursing field. While some nurses may opt to abandon the workplace, others develop low self-esteem, tension, and lack of trust in each other (Bloom, 2014).

Collaboration Mechanisms

Collaboration is a strategy that nurses can deploy to address their differences in the workplace. The absence of collaboration strategies makes it difficult for conflicting nurses to find a common ground where they can settle their differences. Such a collaboration can be built through teamwork, intercession, and/or adherence to the established peace-building policies (Alberta Health Services, 2011).

Leadership Strategies

Leadership strategies are the approaches that can be adopted in a nursing setting to influence governance of the nursing practice within a facility (Richardson & Storrs, 2010). Such leadership is important in ensuring dynamism and response to the needs of nurses and the nursing practice while guaranteeing accountability (Curtis et a., 2011). Leaders act as the drivers of change to ensure that nurses and patients’ needs are addressed without bias.

Leadership Role in Addressing Lateral Violence and Collaboration

Safety and quality characterize many healthcare institutions that wish to offer excellent care and hence the reason why patient safety and the quality of care form a major factor that influences health care delivery. Safe and quality care ensures that a patient is protected from any harm whenever he or she receives any service from the nursing officials. A patient expects the services to boost his or her health, rather than worsening it. The need for more training on safety and consultation is very essential for nurses. Such a training equips nurses with knowledge concerning issues that guarantee the safety of patients, including patients’ right to privacy and the correct medication.

Leadership Role (Cont’d)

The nursing field has been changing with time due to the changes in health care demands and health complications. Hence, there is a need for strong leadership, which will guarantee peaceful practice through these rapid changes. Such leadership facilitates important approaches that are geared towards better health care provision such as collaboration and a good working environment for optimal service delivery (Kelly, 2011). Leadership supports the role of nurses by ensuring that they have adequate resources and a decent working atmosphere. According to Kelly (2011), teamwork and collaboration are key strategies that encourage knowledge sharing among nurses. Nursing leaders have tried to nurture an environment where nurses can interact freely with one another in their day-to-day operations.

Steps to Follow to Address Lateral Violence

A leader can establish a code of conduct that guides how nurses should behave or act when interacting with patients or other customers. A nursing leader should demonstrate his or her awareness of the risks that nurses are exposed to such as injuries and diseases. Hence, they must be protected at all times by providing safety tools, as well as training on safety. Nurses are human beings. They can be stressed, fatigued, or even have family-related issues. It is therefore important for a nurse-focused leader to provide moral support and work-life balance.

Steps (Cont’d)

Nurses are professionals who can provide important insights and opinions that relate to issues of decision-making at a healthcare facility. It is therefore important for nursing leadership to provide an environment where nurses can provide such insights on important issues that affect them and the patients (Richardson & Storrs, 2010)


Alberta Health Services. (2011). A Literature Review on Collaborative Mechanisms and Health Public Policy Advocacy. Web.

Curtis, E., de Varies, J., & Sheering, F. (2011). Developing leadership in nursing: exploring core factors. British Journal of Nursing, 20(5), 306.

Bloom, E. (2014). Horizontal Violence Among Nurses: Experiences, Responses, and Job Performance. Web.

DE Marco, R., & Roberts, S. (2003). Negative Behaviors in Nursing. American Journal of Nursing, 103(3), 113-116.

Edmonson, C. (2010). Moral Courage and the Nurse Leader. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing,15(3), 5.

Kelly, P. (2011). Nursing leadership & management. Boston, MA: Engage Learning.

McPhee, M., Skelton‐Green, J., Bouthillette, F., & Suryaprakash, N. (2012). An empowerment framework for nursing leadership development: supporting evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(1), 159-169.

Richardson, A., & Storr, J. (2010). Patient safety: a literative review on the impact of nursing empowerment, leadership and collaboration. International nursing review, 57(1), 12-21.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 15). The Issue of the Lateral Violence in Nursing.

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"The Issue of the Lateral Violence in Nursing." IvyPanda, 15 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Issue of the Lateral Violence in Nursing'. 15 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Issue of the Lateral Violence in Nursing." April 15, 2022.

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