The Legal Environment of Business Essay

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As the VP for Risk management, I would like to encourage and advise the board on the steps and measures they can introduce in the DWI Company to reduce or minimize the risk and liability.

Risk refers to the possibility of an unfortunate occurrence; it can also be defined as the unpredictability brought about by the tendency that occurs as a result of hazards. Liabilities refer to the amount of credit that the organization or the company owes. For risk and liabilities to be well monitored and reduced in a company business law must be implemented by all the companies’ boards, who should also involve the entire subordinate group.

Business laws

Business laws are branched into civil, private, and public laws. They can be used in the DWI company to assist in the regulation of employment-related practices, corporate contacts, and sales of goods and purchases.

The company acquires an independent legal status that is controlled by the subscribers or the shareholders by using their shares; however, they benefit in any capital appreciation of the company winding up. This is enhanced by the independence and the power to act according to the shareholder’s approval.


The company should take a consideration of the valid trust which refers to the legal and beneficial ownership of property. A trustee holds the property on trust for beneficiaries or recognized persons. The law ensures that the company’s property is secured and remains safe for the owners to base their equities on.


The company may intend to create a trust that is long-term hence should be honored for a long period. The members and all its competitors should comply with the statutory provision requiring a declaration to be made and evidenced by certain formalities.

Property law

The law is concerned with the relationship of persons towards material objects. In nature, the extent of a legal power enjoyed by a person on a property depends on the kind of legal right held by that person. The law if well incorporated in the company it will ensure that its property remains to save even after getting in contracts with other organizations.

In conclusion, the DWI Company’s environment, oil and energy, communication, leisure or recreation, and real estate’s departments are stable and all make freehold profits if the business laws are followed and exploited.


  1. Abdulla M A Maktari, John McHugo, Business Laws of Yemen Yemen – 1995.
  2. 2. Leif Gustafsson – Law- Business Laws in the Nordic Countries: Legal and Tax Aspects 1998 – 600 pages.
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IvyPanda. (2021, August 21). The Legal Environment of Business.

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"The Legal Environment of Business." IvyPanda, 21 Aug. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Legal Environment of Business'. 21 August.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Legal Environment of Business." August 21, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "The Legal Environment of Business." August 21, 2021.


IvyPanda. "The Legal Environment of Business." August 21, 2021.

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