In her article The Magic of the Family Meal, Nancy Gibbs discusses the importance of family meals. In particular, the author argues that they can improve the relations between parents and their children. Overall, it is possible to agree with this argument; however, one should bear in mind that family meals bring benefits only in those cases when children sense that parents genuinely care about them. Provided that this feeling is not present, they are not likely to affect the wellbeing of families.
Overall, Nancy Gibbs provides convincing evidence that confirms the importance of family meals. The writer believes that they can be viewed as civilizing moments during which children learn behavioral norms and values. Moreover, in this way parents can learn more about the possible problems that children can face in school. So, these experiences can be important for every member of the family. The main role is that they help to promote communication between parents and children
Nevertheless, this effect can be achieved provided that parents know what their children value and what they need. For instance, such meals may not necessarily help families in which domestic violence takes place very often. Similarly, they will be useless in those cases, when parents constantly quarrel with one another or vent their spleen on children. Under such circumstances, children will only avoid family meals in every possible way. This is the main issue that parents should keep in mind.
So, family meals are important for the socialization of children and their wellbeing. Yet, they may not bring any improvements if there is certain conflict between parents. So, people should not assume that such events will automatically help families.