The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks Annotated Bibliography

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Marijuana, scientifically known as cannabis sativa, is an illegal drug widely abused in the United States. The drug is considered to have an intoxicating effect to its users due to the presence of THC Delta 9-tetrahydrocannible and more than 400 different chemicals that cause an alteration of how the brain works. Though this might be the case, medical researchers suggest that the marijuana has its medicinal values and has a prospective solution to patients with different medical complications. Medical experts are interested in finding out the effectiveness of the drug to different disorders, such as “bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, chronic pain and also in finding out the role played by the drug while administering treatment to diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” (Krapp & Longe 2001).

A systematic review on articles of literature revealed that indeed there is scientific knowledge of the medicinal value of the drug. The studies proved that there are potential benefits to a patient other than risks. From the report, readers are going to be informed of the non threatening condition posed by using marijuana as a medicine in order to make effective decisions regarding on whether or not one can accept to use marijuana for medical purposes if the opportunity is presented to them.

American cancer society (2004). Making treatment decisions: What are the side effects of chemotherapy Atlanta, Georgia. American cancer society.

American Cancer Society main aim is to eliminate cancer by providing a proper healthcare for their cancer patients. It has designed programs that fund cancer research and also educational programs for the medical personnel and the general public. This article provides an insight to the effects of chemotherapy treatment to the body of the cancer victims. The radiations rays have several undesirable side effects for instance fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, a decrease in sense of taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and several other effects (American cancer society 2004). In the article, the mentioned side effects could be counteracted by using marijuana. From the source, a list of several reasons are given as to why chemotherapy causes nausea are mentioned and marijuana is seen as the solution to solving these problems. According to the American Cancer Society (2004), marijuana can be used to relieve pain and also controls nausea and vomiting.

The article contains details the various uses of marijuana and how it can positively impact on a cancer patient’s treatment. The website of the organization simply is used as an informative tool to help people learn more about cancer as they try to eliminate cancer as a major health problem. Besides being dedicated to eliminating cancer in the society the organization is also involved in programs that help prevent cancer, save lives and diminish the suffering cancer patients go through. All these accomplishments are done through conducting intensive research programs, providing the best services to the patients and educating the people. One of the accomplishments of the organization is that 44 of their own investigators won the Nobel Prize including two more Nobel Laureates in 2009.

Krapp, K. & Longe, J. (2001). “Marijuana.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Farmington Hills: Gale Group.

The encyclopedia gives detailed information about marijuana. It defines the drug in a lengthy way including what the drug is, the effects of taking the drug and why these effects are present. It further gives information of the policy uses and effects of the drug in an interactive way. It is detailed knowledge wise with accurate facts of its brain effects and the possibility as a medication. The author is not biased to only point the advantages of the drug but she also describes in an effective manner the impact it poses to the chronic users.

The author notes that the capacity or the amount allowed for smoking marijuana for medical purposes as compared to the amount smoked by addicts for leisure. The production of the article in a mass source makes it viable for referencing. It presents current unbiased information about the different alternatives and complementary medical practices. The book also gives recommendations on therapies for particular ailments and diseases, some medical uses for plants and conclusions of researches on their effectiveness.

It also gives an examination of current levels of the drug approval by traditional experts and medicine men. Apart from this encyclopedia, Kritine Krapp and Jacqueline have also written the Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health. This publication is intended for students and professionals in the field of medicine with most of the topics covered being about the biological system and its functioning including ordinary ailments, assumptions, procedures, practices and equipments used in conducting medical procedures. It also gives an in-depth description of the roles of major health professionals.

Marijuana position. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly 7(26).

The article gives presentation of two senior physicians who praise the effectiveness of using marijuana as a medical drug. According to the two physicians from Massachusetts Mental health centre in Boston, marijuana is among the very few drugs which are less addictive and have very few instances of an individual being affected by taking an overdose. From the article, the fact that the mentioned quality of the drug surpasses the effects caused by other drugs proves that marijuana is safe if used in the medicine field with the appropriate measures. The physicians give comparisons to other traditional drugs to show how effective marijuana is in terms of medicinal value as compared to the traditional medicines.

The article provides a credible reference in finding out the effectiveness of the drug in treating disease like analgesics and antiemetic. The website basically is meant to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs by making people aware of the consequences giving a sense of hope for the addicts and also through advocacy. They are evidently listed on the National Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) through the Substance Abuse &Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) under U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. They have also gained recognition from several other departments and organization like American Medical Association (AMA) and White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).


American cancer society (2004). . American cancer society.

Krapp, K. & Longe, J. (2001). . Farmington Hills: Gale Group.

Marijuana position. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly 7(26). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 27). The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks.

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"The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks." IvyPanda, 27 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks'. 27 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks." April 27, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks." April 27, 2022.


IvyPanda. "The Medicinal Value of the Marijuana: There Are Potential Benefits to a Patient Other Than Risks." April 27, 2022.

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