The Most Recent Century 1914-2012 Term Paper

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The primary source used for this assignment is The Most Recent Century 1914-2012. It is the sixth part of the book written by Robert Strayer Ways of the World, which represents the history of the recent years. It describes important trends, events, and developments that influenced the modern world. The work of Strayer is made for the students to see the big picture of the things happening in different countries.

The chosen primary source is mainly focused on world wars, but it also describes the events that turned out to be connected with them. The author claims that the things that happen in one country triggered some alterations and lead to the outcomes that influenced each of them. In this way, the outbreak of the World War I caused the civil war in the West, the Russian Revolution, expansion of communism, and independence movements that lead to World War II with the course of time. Strayer speaks about this period of time as a separate phase of history but agrees that such division is artificial and relative (973).

Except for that, it lasts only for one hundred years while others include several millennia. Taking this into account, the author states that historical periods become shorter as they are closer to the present. He presupposes that this happens because the scientists and professionals have more information about them, which gives them an opportunity to do a thorough investigation, and because they have more influence on the present events.

In this way, the author explained the necessity to pay attention to the most significant alterations witnessed during the mentioned period of time such as the attempt of the Europeans to create a single empire and the creation and expansion of the communist phenomenon. These changes are said to blend old and new, as China had created such civilization before Europeans decided to do the same but along with this process, new events also had happened such as the extermination of the Jews.

In the same way, the Russian and Chinese revolutions had altered the model of the world and divided the humankind. The discussed period of time is also claimed to be known for the disintegration of the greatest empires that lead to the creation of nation-states. Then the idea of empire altered because the slavery was not accepted globally anymore and new political order was developed. Thus, all underlying processes turned out to be connected with the past events and new expressions. Further, Strayer also pays attention to the population and globalization as critical concepts of this century (975).

Historical Context

The primary source used in this work was written in 2012, and the discussed period of time is 1914-2012. The fact that the part of the book describes the history, which is so close to the date of its creation, proves that the information reflected in it is relevant but poorly analyzed yet. Some professionals believe that at least a century should pass for the population and scientists to have an opportunity to evaluate events and their influences.

Still, the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century are known for the value of knowledge (“The Knowledge Age” para. 6). It is believed that information is the thing that provides power that is why it is critical to obtain it. In this framework, Strayer did a great job and gathered the most significant data about the last century. Except for that, the ability to use the knowledge and create the new one turned out to be critical.

The author realized this and did the analysis of the information he received with the help of research. Finding some consistent patterns, he got a chance to presuppose the way the history altered with the course of time and predict some situations. Previously such approach might be considered to be biased and indecent. But in the framework of the recent historical context, it meets the expectations of the public, makes them interested and encourages further investigation. Strayer’s views and ideas show the new knowledge, he adds to the sphere, which is highly valued currently.

Perspective and Authorship

The source is written from the perspective of the modern person. As today people constantly face huge amounts of information, they are in search of systematized, analyzed and summarized knowledge. Strayer realizes this and claims that this book is not made to provide enormous details. The author believes that his purpose it to give the readers the most important facts that they can use to get to know more. He is targeted at clarity and simplicity that allow the basic knowledge to be easily absorbed and serve as a background for further clarifications.

The author himself is an experienced teacher of world history who not only knows what to tell students for them to become knowledgeable but also how to organize information to make the learning process streamlined. Strayer taught history at various schools, colleges and universities, which also allowed him to focus on different events and epochs. He is the member of the World History Association and a participant of numerous historical gatherings, which provides the author with the opportunity to improve his knowledge and take into consideration opinions of other professionals. Finally, he already has several publications that are valued by his colleagues and students (“Robert W. Strayer” para. 1).

Purpose and Audience

The discussed source was created to provide the targeted audience with the information about the events that happened in different countries in 1914-2012. The author is a teacher, so his main purpose is to educate the public, enhance people’s knowledge about their own past and its relation to the past of other nations. His work is a great tool for the students who study history, which presupposes that it can also be used by their professors.

Except for that, the representatives of the general public who are willing to receive some information about the mentioned period of time can refer to this source as it is written in a rather simple language and includes the most significant events with their explanation.

Assistance in Understanding the Past

The source helps the readers to get to know the information about the past and understand it decently. The author provides explanations and personal views, which ensures efficient perception. Of course, some claims may look biased because they do not represent particular facts and provide personal considerations but even they can be used beneficially. Today, students are taught to assess the information they receive and criticize it, so this source can assist them in understanding particular events that happened in the past, consistent patterns, their outcomes and other related things regardless of possible limitations.

Works Cited

Robert W. Strayer 2016. Web.

Strayer, Robert. Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. Print.

The Knowledge Age. 2015. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 19). The Most Recent Century 1914-2012.

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"The Most Recent Century 1914-2012." IvyPanda, 19 Sept. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'The Most Recent Century 1914-2012'. 19 September.


IvyPanda. 2020. "The Most Recent Century 1914-2012." September 19, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "The Most Recent Century 1914-2012." September 19, 2020.


IvyPanda. "The Most Recent Century 1914-2012." September 19, 2020.

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