Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content Essay

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The photograph I selected for this exercise is one of three young boys who is standing side by side holding each other. The photograph is posed because the trio is standing facing the camera directly while there are other activities going on in the background.

Telling from the photograph, the three boys were part of the group playing games in the background and were called to attention by the photographer. The mood captured in the photograph is that of excitement and joy because all the three boys are smiling. There is also a mood of friendliness in the photograph identified by the way the boys are holding each other.

The camera has been positioned directly in front of the boys, with the photographer being slightly taller than the subjects. The photographer is close to the boys, probably less than two meters away, and he is looking down at the boys. The foreground action captured by the photograph stopped immediately the shot was taken, and there is no evidence of it going on for long.

In contrast, the action going on in the background, including dripping water and a running boy kept going on after the photograph was taken. This is because there are signs of motion, including the boy’s running angle and the water droplets succeed each other. As far as graphic composition is concerned, the moving elements in the foreground had to stop momentarily before the picture was taken to allow for clarity.

The photograph is modern because the colors are presented. It was also taken during the day, around midday. This is confirmed by the positioning of the shadows, which fall directly below the boys’ heads. The frame cuts out the boys, and with the other elements in the shot having been irregularly chopped, there is clear evidence that the world extends further than what we can see.

Because the photograph primarily captures human beings, the outlines of the shapes are soft and follow the natural pattern of the different parts that make up a human’s body. There is a contrast between the bright foreground items and the dark background elements such as the grey floor, which makes the boys stand out in the photograph as per the intention of the photographer.

The photographer did not have any economic purpose for the photograph, because his subjects present indications of any economic significance. The style of the photographic work is informal, and it is highly unlikely that the person who took the shot was aware of any photographic principles and techniques when taking the shot.

It will be acceptable to conclude that the photograph was taken by an amateur, using a point and shoot digital camera. This implies that the job done was not difficult, in terms of professional photographic difficulty.

I encountered this photograph during a random search on the internet. I, however, found it very appealing because of the radiance of the three boys. Just looking at the photograph made me feel happy and I felt as if I was connecting with the boys in their joy.

In conclusion, I can say, that I find the photograph very appealing in terms of the physical elements and the content. The composition has taken into account all the positioning and lighting elements of a good photograph, and from an emotional perspective, I find it easily appealing.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 12). Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content.

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"Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content." IvyPanda, 12 Mar. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content'. 12 March.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content." March 12, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content." March 12, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Photograph Discussion: Physical Elements and Content." March 12, 2020.

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