It is important to note that the police is a necessary institution in modern society. However, the funding of police salaries is provided from the state budget, their function is to protect citizens. Accordingly, the police guard the welfare of the public, which is why they receive salaries that are deducted from people’s tax payments. Thus, it is essential to establish why police spending should not be decreased.
Arguments Against Reducing Funding
When the budgets of police departments are reduced, it will cause an increase in violence and injuries among the civilian population. This is because most criminals will be confident that they will not be punished and will therefore try to commit crimes more often (Rushin and Roger 277). For example, in rayon, the reduction of funding and, accordingly, the reduction of police staff will increase public order violations, which will lead to general discomfort of residents.
In addition, as a consequence of the reduction of funding is the reduction of jobs. Therefore, it will cause that former police officers will have to search for a new job, which will increase the overall unemployment rate. In addition, the reduction of funding for the police will contribute to the global problem of human rights violations (Bernier 20). Since one of the functions of the police is to resolve minor disputes and prevent people from breaking the usual rules, such as traffic regulations.
The Argument for Reducing Funding
The main reason to cut funding for the police is to reduce the amount of taxes that people pay. Instead, citizens often face police brutality, which manifests itself in discriminatory treatment of certain categories of the population, such as black people. Moreover, police are not qualified for certain types of work, such as dealing with the homeless or people who have been abused (Bernier 51). In this case, they will be replaced by professionals who will definitely be helpful to individuals.
Therefore, the reduction of police and tax savings will lead to an escalation of violence and crimes. At the same time, the level of unemployment will increase, which will negatively affect the welfare of society. Therefore, reducing the tax burden will cause global problems.
Works Cited
Bernier, John. Should We “Defund the Police”. Georgetown University, 2021.
Bowling, Benjamin, et al. The Politics of the {olice. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Rushin, Stephen, and Roger Michalski. “Police Funding.” Florida Law Review, vol. 72, 2020), p. 277.