Although, occasionally, it is difficult for contemporary people to understand the importance of Iliad and Odyssey, its power should not be underestimated. The significance of Iliad and Odyssey in the modern world can be explained by the fact that they are the first ancient epics, which have survived to this day. It provides a deep insight into the lifestyle of ancient people. In addition, it appears to be the only historical and written source for the period of Dark Times. Therefore, it presents its main difference from other ancient stories, which are not relevant anymore. The primary reason for it is the fact that there is a range of other stories and historical sources about other periods. As for me, I find these books engaging to read these books, as they are informative in the context of the ancient people’s way of thinking.
The Role of Gods in Homer
It should be admitted that the role of gods in Homer is significant. There are numerous of them in the poems and they are capable of influencing their lives considerably. An illustrative example for this thesis could be the fact that Athena supported and provided Telemachus with essential help. There is a likelihood that the journey of Telemachus was not successful to the same extent without her involvement. Therefore, it is evident that the story could not exist the same way without the participants of gods.
The Attitude to War
The attitude to war in Homer’s poem presents a matter of discussion. On the one hand, the author paid significant attention to warrior honor, while describing the characters and their behavior. Preparations for fights and the process itself are present as something exciting. On the other hand, he illustrates the negative and destructive consequences of war (Sehgal, 2017). For this reason, there is no precise answer to this question.
Sehgal, S. (2017). War times. Medium.