Children and their perceptions of the learning process continue to change every decade. It is facilitated by the active process of globalization and the widespread of the Internet. It is difficult for modern schoolchildren to spend a long time in monotonous activities, thinking in stereotyped images (Shailendra, 2018). Young students mostly use clip thinking and perceive information fragmentarily, preferably in the form of interactive and coherent schemes (Kimmons, 2020). In such conditions, the teacher has to constantly be engaged in self-education and design unique teaching techniques in terms latest global trends. Above all, professional development should start with an indicative dialogue with students and their parents to identify precise expectations and areas for development. Teachers need to look at the educational process more broadly, go beyond the boundaries of subject knowledge, and constantly improve the conveying information process to students (Hauge&Wan, 2019). The modern education system no longer tolerates template methods.
Any leaders and administrators in the field of education should sufficiently negotiate all the faculty or institution activities. Any action should be aimed at sincere interest in the learning process and a general feeling of comfort at school (Shailendra, 2018). Administrators play the role of a navigator, carefully guiding the students. They use time rationally, realistically evaluate tasks, efficiently solve them, and take responsibility. The main aim of the leader is to help students discover their potential and find the best direction for its realization (Brauckmann et al., 2020). Everything should be accompanied by comfort, a minimum of conflict, and a focus on mutual respect and cooperation.
All roles in the learning process are interconnected. Administrators set common goals and provide all parties with comfort and resilience; teachers consider the learning process itself and the definitive conquest of students in it (Postholm&Boylan, 2018). In this case, mutual support is needed, focused on the successful presentation and exposition of all educational material. Any educational institution has a chance to become a second home for a student, where he can gain valuable knowledge and skills necessary for all subsequent matters in life. It requires effective methods that keep pace with the times, ongoing self-education of the school staff, and a primary focus on the comfort and knowledge of students.
Brauckmann, S., Pashiardis, P. & Ärlestig, H. (2020) Bringing context and educational leadership together: Fostering the professional development of school principals. Professional Development in Education. Web.
Hauge, K. & Wan, P. (2019) Teachers’ collective professional development in school: A review study.Cogent Education, (6)1. Web.
Kimmons, R. (2020). Current trends (and missing links) in educational technology research and practice.TechTrends: for leaders in education & training, 1–7. Web.
Postholm, M. B. & Boylan, M. (2018) Teachers’ professional development in school: A review study. Cogent Education, 5(1). Web.
Shailendra P., Prageet A., Parul G., Diptiranjan M., Ratri P., Rebecca R. & Sumita S. (2018). Online education: Worldwide status, challenges, trends, and implications.Journal of Global Information Technology Management, (21)4, 233-241. Web.