The smart balance wheel is an electric scooter that can be used by a person to move from place to place. This scooter is made up of two wheels and its defining feature is a self-balancing control system that enables the rider to remain stationary and in balance even when not in motion. To operate the product, the user simply stands on it with his/her legs slightly apart. The rider leans slightly forward to start moving forward. To reverse, all the user has to do is lean slightly back.
An important advantage of the smart balance wheel is that it has a smart feature, which means that a person automatically maintains balance while on it. It does not require hands to operate, which leaves the rider’s hands-free to engage in other activities. The scooter is small in size, which makes it easy to navigate in crowded spaces. In addition to this, it only weighs 10kgs making it easy for a user to carry. The smart balance wheel is significantly fast with a maximum speed of 12km/h. Finally, the product charges within 1 to 2 hours, and a single charge can run for between 15km and 20km.
The most significant disadvantage of the scooter is that it is very low and as a result, it cannot move well on uneven surfaces. In addition to this, it can only move at an incline of 15degrees, which means that the scooter will not move up any significant inclines. Another limitation is that it works best on flat surfaces but most roads and driveways are tilted making it hard to maneuver the scooter. Finally, the smart balance wheel has a weight limit of 100kg making it out of reach for some people.
The Smart Balance Wheel promises to change short distance movement for many people. This product is easy to master and can achieve a considerable maximum speed. Its compact nature and lightweight makes it easy to carry. The most significant demerits of the Smart Balance Wheel are that it cannot move well on uneven surfaces and it stops at small inclines.
The Smart Balance Wheel is highly recommended for people who travel for some distance on foot regularly. The user does not need to acquire any special skills to ride and its speed makes it increase travel efficiency. Most of our walking surfaces are even, which means the inability of the scooter to travel well on uneven surfaces will not affect the rider most of the time.