The Social Security Services in America Essay

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It can be argued that, as the American populace holds the views of long life-expectancy, many features of healthcare, finances, traditions and politics have been changed. In this case, the study of gerontology looks at the connection between personal capabilities, sources of social help, and policies as well as the programs offering these services. From this it can be noted that, one of these policies and programs is the social security provided to the ageing population in America (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2007).

It should be noted that, the social security policy was established in August 14, 1935 under the ‘Social Security Act’. In this case, the policy was established in the attempt of preventing what were viewed as hazards in the ‘modern American life’; which included old age, deficiency as well as other life struggles faced by widows and orphan children. It is of importance to note that, presently the social support program is provided for under the American ‘Social Support Act, 42 U.S.C. ch.7”.

Based on this at; reimbursement to retirees and the jobless are offered; as well as a lump-sum reimbursement in the case of death. From this it can be argued that, reimbursement to current retirees are funded by the payroll levy on the current workers’ salaries, where half is remunerated directly as the payroll levy; and the other half provided for by the employer. On the other hand, this Act also provides funds to the States to be offered as assistance to the aged population which is included in Title 1 of the Act (Skidmore & Skidmore, 1999).

It should be noted that, this Social Security program was implemented as a measure to execute social insurance, during the period of the Great Depression of the 1930s. In this case, this was the period when deficiency rates among the older citizens were beyond fifty percent. It should be noted that in the year 1934, more than half of the senior citizens in America had a deficiency of sufficient income to be self-reliant.

From this, the social security program was established to assist the signor citizens to cope up with life with minimal difficulties. Additionally, the social security program is at present the leading social insurance program in America; which contains approximately 37% of the federal government’s spending and roughly 7% of the country’s GDP. On the other hand it can be argued that, this program is at present anticipated to assist approximately 40% of all the senior citizens aged 65 or older out of deficiency in America. It should be noted that, this program is expected to increase its assistance to a large number of senior citizens in the United States; despite the political controversies which has been facing it during the last three decades (Jurkowski, 2007).

Further it is of an importance to note that for one to be eligible for the social security; the lowest age is 62 and also one must be proved needy. In this case, the services of social security are offered mostly in monetary terms provided to the elderly on a monthly basis if forms of checks. Based on this, the first monthly payment was executed in 1940 not only to the senior retired citizens but also to their old spouses or widows; children under 18 years of age as well as existing elderly parents.

It can be further argued that, as the minimum age for eligibility was reduced from 65 to 62; where the benefits offered really decreased. It is of importance to note that for one to apply for social security assistance there must be a social security card, birth certificate; W-2 forms for the previous years, and U.S. nationality or a legal foreign status. In this case, the funds are deposited in one’s bank hence a bank account is also essential (Tomkiel III, 2001).

It should be noted that, the social security programs are provided to the senior citizens with disabilities, having the scarcity of income to support them having medical problems and also to their children below the age of eighteen. As it has been said earlier, these services are mostly provided in terms of money and medical services. In this case, the social security services are provided in forms of retirement benefits, spouse’s benefit, widow’s benefit, children benefits and disability assistances.

It can further be argued that, throughout a laborer’s career the records of his earnings are kept which assists in determining how much he is eligible to be paid. In this case, the money to be paid in his old age are deducted from his salary; hence the pay-as-you-go system. Based on this it should be noted that, the eligible citizens for social security who meet the required criteria are provided with a social security number. In this case, this number is used in determining an employee yearly salaries and the amount of tax one owes the federal income taxes. From this it can be argued that each and every employee is supposed to pay for social security funds; which are to be offered when one retires.

On the other hand it is of importance to note that the imprisoned citizens are not eligible to the social security services. This can be indicated from the December 15, 2009 actions of President Obama, where he signed the ‘No Social Security Benefits for Prisoners Act of 2009’ ((Jurkowski, 2007).

I addition, there are political and economical challenges facing social security programs in America. In this case economically, a social security program was attributed to the 1937 and 1938 recession. Based on this it is argued that most women are not entitled to these benefits; since they perform job categories which are not covered by the program. In this case, women are known to engage in agricultural labor and domestic services which are not covered by the social security program. On the other hand politically, social security program is viewed as reducing workers motivation as they think that their payment is used in assisting other individuals who does not work. On the other hand, women are said to qualify for the social security benefits only through their husbands or children (Skidmore & Skidmore, 1999).

On the other hand the proponent of these benefits stated that, social security helps to create job opportunities for the young generations as the older generations are made to retire at the age of 62. It is of importance to note that, social security benefits should also be provided to women on their own, without their depending on the husbands or children (Tomkiel III, 2001).

To wind up, social security services in the United States have assisted a lot of senior citizens to manage their lives with minimum difficulties after retirement. It can further be said that, social security benefits are provided only to the eligible citizens who possesses a social security card. In this case, this card helps in determining a worker’s earnings yearly and the amount of money one may owe the social security taxes.

Reference lists

Hooyman, N. & Kiyak, H. (2007). Social Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 8th edition. Massachusetts: Ally & Bacon Publishers.

Jurkowski, E. (2007). Policy and Program for Older Adults: Realities and Visions, 1st edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Skidmore, M. & Skidmore, M. (1999). Social Security and its Enemies: The Case for America’s Most Efficient Insurance Program. Colorado: West view Press.

Tomkiel III, S. (2001). Social Security Benefits Handbook, 3rd edition. Illinois: Sphinx Publishing Inc.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 22). The Social Security Services in America.

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"The Social Security Services in America." IvyPanda, 22 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Social Security Services in America'. 22 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Social Security Services in America." December 22, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "The Social Security Services in America." December 22, 2021.


IvyPanda. "The Social Security Services in America." December 22, 2021.

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