The “This Is Fine” Dog Meme Analysis Essay

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The meme chosen for analysis is the This Is Fine dog meme. This meme features an image of a dog sitting in a room engulfed in flames with a nonchalant expression on its face while saying, “This is fine” (Bowman). This meme has become a popular and widely used internet meme, often used to express apathy or resignation in the face of a seemingly hopeless situation. The origins of the dog meme can be traced back to a comic strip created by artist KC Green in 2013 titled “On Fire” (Bowman). The strip features a character named Question Hound sitting in a room on fire and stating, “I’m okay with the events that are unfolding currently.” The comic was not immediately popular but gained traction when it was shared on social media sites like Tumblr and Reddit.

In 2014, an anonymous user on the internet forum 4chan edited the comic, replacing Question Hound with a dog character from a webcomic called “Gunshow” by artist Matt Furie (Bowman). The modified comic featured the dog character sitting in the same room on fire and saying, “This is fine” (Bowman). The edited comic quickly went viral, spawning countless variations and parodies. The This is Fine dog meme has evolved and transformed over time, with variations featuring different characters and situations. For example, during the 2016 presidential election, a popular meme variation featured the dog sitting in front of a TV broadcasting the election results, with the caption, “This is fine” (Bowman). In 2020, the meme was repurposed to reflect the COVID-19 pandemic, with the dog wearing a mask and saying, “This is fine.” On numerous social media sites, such as Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook, the This is Fine dog meme has gained a lot of popularity (Bowman). References can be found in movies and television programs that are part of the mainstream media. Likewise, the meme’s significance has changed over time, with various interpretations based on the setting in which it is utilized. The meme was initially perceived as an amusing perspective on an unhappy circumstance, with the dog’s laid-back expression and composed demeanor juxtaposed with the tumultuous surroundings. The meme, though, has recently acquired a more sinister meaning, with some viewing it as a critique of society’s propensity to downplay or ignore important problems.

Irony and satire are used in the canine meme’s metatextual elements to make social commentary. The dog’s lack of interest in serious issues in the meme’s initial context was meant to symbolize how many internet users view serious issues (Bowman). The meme has developed over time, and as it has, it has been used to comment on various societal problems, including politics, the environment, and mental health.

The This Is Fine dog meme has a long past and has developed into a well-known and commonly used internet meme over time. Although it can be traced back to a comic strip written and illustrated by KC Green, the meme was altered and made more well-known online by people on the internet. Various understandings of the meme’s meaning have emerged over time based on the situation in which it is used. The This is Fine dog meme illustrates how memes from the internet are frequently used to remark on contemporary issues and how they can change and develop over time.

Work Cited

Bowman, Emma. “.” NPR, NPR, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, September 9). The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme Analysis.

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"The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme Analysis." IvyPanda, 9 Sept. 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme Analysis'. 9 September.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme Analysis." September 9, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme Analysis." September 9, 2024.


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